Gus Budiarta

Gus Budiarta
Visiting Research Associate
Gus Budiarta works on various research and knowledge translation projects at the Great Lakes ADA Center. Some of his work includes researching inclusive employment and flexible work for people with disabilities, contributing to knowledge translation toolkits for ADA practitioners, and assisting in the creation of visual content for postsecondary transition curricula for students with disabilities. Gus holds graduate degrees from Cornell University and the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC). At Cornell, he studied the status of international human rights and development as they affect people with psychosocial disabilities. At UIC, his research focused on disability policies and discourse in the United States, with a particular emphasis on mental health disabilities. In 2021, Gus was part of the AAPD (American Association of People with Disabilities) Fellowship Program, where he connected with nearly 30 other disabled people across the U.S., completed a disability advocacy certificate program at American University, and worked with the World Institute on Disability (WID).
Great Lakes ADA Center (MC 728)
Room 405
1640 W. Roosevelt Road
Chicago, IL 60608
312-413-1856 (Fax)