"To qualify for disability license plates or a parking placard, an applicant must submit a Secretary of State Persons with Disabilities Certification form. The form must be completed by a licensed physician certifying that the applicant has one of the following six specific medical conditions that severely impairs their ability to walk ("Cannot walk 200 feet without stopping to rest" is no longer a qualifying disability, unless it is related to one of these conditions.): Cannot walk without the assistance of another person, prosthetic device, wheelchair or other assistive device; be restricted by lung disease to such a degree that forced (respiratory) expiratory volume (FEV) in 1 second, when measure by spirometry, is less than 1 liter; must use portable oxygen; have Class III or Class IV cardiac condition according to standards set by the American Heart Association; be severely limited in the ability to walk due to an arthritic, neurological or orthopedic condition; has permanently lost the use of or is missing a hand or arm."
Secretary of State Jesse White Persons with Disabilities License Plates/Placard Unit 501 S. Second Street, Room 541 Springfield, IL 62756 Voice: (217)782-2285 (800)252-2904 TTY: (800)261-5280
This web page describes accessible parking space requirements in Illinois, including number of spaces, space dimensions, and signage.
Disability Rights Bureau 100 West Randolph Street Chicago, Illinois 60601 Voice: (312)814-5684 TTY: (800)964-3013
A disability parking placard is available to an Indiana resident of any age who meets one of the following requirements:has a temporary or permanent physical disability that requires the use of a wheelchair, a walker, braces, or crutches; has temporarily or permanently lost the use of one or both legs; has restricted mobility, either temporarily or permanently, due to a pulmonary or cardiovascular disability, arthritic condition, or orthopedic or neurological impairment; or is permanently blind or visually impaired.
Disability parking placards are also available to companies or associations which transport or provide facilities for persons with physical disabilities.
A disability parking placard issued to an individual with a permanent disability will expire on the recipient's fourth birthday following the date of the placard's issuance. A placard issued to an individual with a temporary disability is valid for six months from the date that it is issued, or until a date indicated by the physician certifying the application.
When the placard expires, you must apply again for another placard.
Indiana Government Center North Room 402 100 North Senate Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46204 Voice: (888)692-6841 Fax: (317) 233-2011 Email: nic-incustomerservice@tylertech.com
https://www.in.gov/bmv/registration-plates/drivers-with-disabilities/#:~:text=A%20permanent%20physical%20disability% 0requiring,orthopedic%20or%20neurological%20impairment%3B%20or
https://www.in.gov/bmv/registration-plates/drivers-with-disabilities/#:~:text=A%20permanent%20physical%20disability% 0requiring,orthopedic%20or%20neurological%20impairment%3B%20or
This is a link to the Indiana Code (IC) describing requirements for accessible parking spaces, for example, number of spaces required and dimensions of spaces.
Indiana Government Center North 100 North Senate Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46204 Voice: (888)692-6841
Visit this web page for an accessible parking placard application. A person with a qualifying disability is eligible for a disability license plate or parking placard. A qualifying disability is defined under Michigan law as either blindness or any condition that significantly limits a person's ability to walk or requires a wheelchair, walker, crutch or other assistive device.
Michigan Department of State Lansing, MI 48918 Voice: Toll free: (888) 767-6424
A disabled person may apply, on a form prescribed by the secretary of state, for a serially numbered nontransferable temporary or permanent windshield placard for the personal use of the disabled person. An individual who has a religious objection to having a medical examination may personally apply at a branch office of the secretary of state for a serially numbered nontransferable temporary or permanent windshield placard for the personal use of the disabled individual. If it appears obvious that the individual has a qualifying disability, the individual shall not be required to present a medical statement attesting to the disability. The application for and the issuance of the serially numbered nontransferable temporary or permanent windshield placard is subject to all of the following:
(a) The secretary of state may issue to a disabled person with a temporary disability a temporary windshield placard that is valid for a period of not more than 6 months.
(b) The secretary of state may issue to a disabled person with a permanent disability an original or renewal permanent windshield placard that is valid for at least 4 years.
(c) An original certificate of identification or permanent windshield placard shall expire on the disabled person's fifth birthday after the date of issuance.
(d) A renewal permanent windshield placard shall expire on the disabled person's fourth birthday after the date of renewal.Upon application in the manner prescribed by the secretary of state for replacement of a lost, stolen, or destroyed certificate or placard described in this section, a disabled person or organization that provides specialized services to disabled persons may be issued a placard that in substance duplicates the original certificate or placard for a fee of $10.00. This section also covers fines for the misuse of placards.
430 W. Allegan St. Richard H. Austin Building - 4th Floor Lansing, MI 48918 Voice: Toll free: (888) 767-6424
This is a link to the Minnesota Statute describing the scope of accessible parking placard eligibility, including required medical statements and fees.
Minnesota Department of Public Safety: Driver and Vehicle Services Division - Central Office 445 Minnesota Street, Suite 190 Town Square Building Saint Paul MN 55101-5190 Voice: (651)297-3298 TTY: (651)282-6555
This section of the Ohio Revised Code describes placard eligibility.
Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles P.O. Box 16520 Columbus, Ohio 43216-6520 Voice: (614)752-7500
"The [accessible parking sign] locations shall be designated through the posting of an elevated sign, whether permanently affixed or movable, imprinted with the international symbol of access and shall be reasonably close to exits, entrances, elevators, and ramps. All elevated signs posted in accordance with this division and division (C) of section 3781.111 of the Revised Code shall be mounted on a fixed or movable post, and the distance from the ground to the bottom edge of the sign shall measure not less than five feet. If a new sign or a replacement sign designating a special parking location is posted on or after October 14, 1999, there also shall be affixed upon the surface of that sign or affixed next to the designating sign a notice that states the fine applicable for the offense of parking a motor vehicle in the special designated parking location if the motor vehicle is not legally entitled to be parked in that location."
Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles P.O. Box 16520 Columbus, Ohio 43216-6520 Voice: (614)752-7500
"Any person certified by an authorized health care specialist as having a permanent disability is eligible for the Disabled Parking Identification (DIS ID) Permit. By legal definition, this includes any person who: Cannot walk 200 feet or more without stopping to rest; cannot walk without the use of, or assistance from, another person or brace, cane, crutch, prosthetic device, wheelchair or other assistance device; is restricted by lung disease to the extent that forced expiratory volume for one second, when measured by spirometry, is less than one liter or the arterial oxygen tension is less than 60 mm/hg on room air at rest; uses portable oxygen; has a cardiac condition to the extent that functional limitations are classified in severity as class III or IV, according to standards accepted by the American Heart Association; is severely limited in the ability to walk due to an arthritic, neurological or orthopedic condition."
WisDOT Special Plates Unit – DIS ID P.O. Box 7306 Madison, WI 53707-7306 Voice: (608)264-7169
"The owner or lessee of any public building or place of employment and the owner or lessee of any parking facility which offers parking to the public shall reserve at least the following number of spaces for use by a motor vehicle used by a physically disabled person:
1)At least one space for a facility offering 26 to 49 spaces.
2)At least 2% of all spaces for a facility offering 50 to 1,000 spaces.
3) At least one percent, in addition to that specified in subd. 2., of each 1,000 spaces over the first 1,000 for a facility offering more than 1,000 spaces...Parking spaces reserved under this subsection shall be at least 12 feet wide...Parking spaces reserved under this subsection shall be located as close as possible to an entrance of the parking facility and to an entrance of a public building or place of employment which allows a physically disabled person to enter and leave without assistance. Parking spaces reserved under this subsection in a parking ramp shall be located as close as possible to the main entrance of the parking ramp, to an adjacent public walk, or to an elevator which allows a physically disabled person to enter and leave without assistance."
WisDOT Special Plates Unit – DIS ID P.O. Box 7306 Madison, WI 53707-7306 Voice: (608) 264-7169