The Disability Rights Bureau enforces State and Federal laws that protect the rights of people with disabilities to equal access to buildings, housing, and services. The Bureau resolves accessibility and discrimination violations impacting the people of the state of Illinois through negotiation and litigation.
In addition to the Bureau's enforcement work, the Disability Rights Bureau regularly provides technical assistance and referrals to individuals with disabilities and public and private entities seeking to comply with disability rights laws. The Bureau also conducts disability rights training programs for courts, law enforcement, and other groups upon request. The bureau is a part of the Illinois Attorney General's Office.
115 S. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60603 Voice: (312) 814-3000
The Disability Rights Bureau enforces State and Federal laws that protect the rights of people with disabilities to equal access to buildings, housing, and services. The Bureau resolves accessibility and discrimination violations impacting the people of the state of Illinois through negotiation and litigation.
In addition to the Bureau's enforcement work, the Disability Rights Bureau regularly provides technical assistance and referrals to individuals with disabilities and public and private entities seeking to comply with disability rights laws. The Bureau also conducts disability rights training programs for courts, law enforcement, and other groups upon request. The bureau is a part of the Illinois Attorney General's Office.
115 S. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60603 Voice: (312) 814-5684
The Disability Rights Bureau enforces State and Federal laws that protect the rights of people with disabilities to equal access to buildings, housing, and services. The Bureau resolves accessibility and discrimination violations impacting the people of the state of Illinois through negotiation and litigation.
1745 Innovation Drive, Suites C & D Carbondale, IL 62903 Voice: (618) 529-6400 Ext. 6401
The Office of the Indiana Attorney General helps protect the rights, freedoms, and safety you enjoy as a citizen of the Hoosier state. Attorney General Curtis T. Hill Jr. and his staff are dedicated to meeting the state's legal needs, as well as the needs and interests of its citizens.
151 W Ohio St, Suite 100 Indianapolis, IN 46204-1960 Voice: (317) 232-6330 Toll free: 888.4IN.eGov Fax: (317) 233-2011 Email:
Cadillac Place, 10th Floor 3030 W. Grand Blvd., Suite 10-200 Detroit, MI 48202 Voice: (313) 456-0240 Fax: (313) 456-0061 Email:
State Office Building, Suite 4C 350 Ottawa NW Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Voice: (616) 356-0400 Fax: (616) 356-0411 Email:
G. Mennen Williams Building, 7th Floor 525 W. Ottawa St. P.O. Box 30212 Lansing, MI 48909 Voice: (517) 373-1110 Fax: (517) 373-3042 Email:
The Attorney General is the chief legal officer for the State of Minnesota. The Office represents and provides legal advice to over 100 state agencies, boards and commissions. The Office represents the state in state and federal court, as well as in administrative adjudication and rulemaking hearings. The Office handles felony criminal appeals, advises local prosecutors in the conduct of criminal trials and handles cases at the request of local prosecutors. In addition, the Office issues formal opinions interpreting statutes for the agencies and political subdivisions of the state. The Attorney General is a member of the State Executive Council, the State Board of Investment, the Pardons Board and the Land Exchange Board. The Office is the state’s chief policy maker and law enforcer in the important areas of consumer protection, antitrust enforcement and charities’ regulation. The Office is also responsible for representing residential and small business utility consumers through participation in matters before the Public Utilities Commission.
1400 Bremer Tower 445 Minnesota Street St. Paul, MN 55101-2131 Voice: (651) 296-3353 Toll free (800) 657-3787 TTY: (651) 297-7206 Toll free (800) 366-4812
The Attorney General’s duties fall into three broad functions. First, the Attorney General is the lawyer for the State of Ohio and its departments, boards and agencies. This office represents the legal interests of the state, provides legal advice when requested by our clients, engages in litigation on behalf of the state and defends the state when it is sued. The Attorney General is responsible for the collection of debts owed to the state.
Second, the office has enforcement authority in areas as empowered by the General Assembly. These areas include consumer protection, charitable solicitation, antitrust actions and organized crime.
Finally, the office works with local law enforcement agencies at their request and provides criminal justice support services through the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation, peace officer training through the Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission and task force participation through Ohio Organized Crime Investigations Commission. Occasionally, at the invitation of local prosecutors, attorneys with the Office will serve as special prosecutors in criminal cases.
State Office Tower 30 E. Broad Street, 17th Floor Columbus, OH 43215-3428 Voice: (614)466-4320 Toll free: (800)282-0515
Wisconsin Department of Justice P.O. Box 7857 Madison, WI 53707-7857 Voice: (608) 266-1221 Fax: (608) 267-2779