The mission of Equip for Equality is to advance the human and civil rights of children and adults with physical and mental disabilities in Illinois. It is the only statewide, cross-disability, comprehensive advocacy organization providing self-advocacy assistance, legal services, and disability rights education while also engaging in public policy and legislative advocacy and conducting abuse investigations and other oversight activities.
1745 Innovation Drive, Suites C & D Carbondale, IL 62903 Voice: (618) 529-6400/6401
The mission of Equip for Equality is to advance the human and civil rights of children and adults with physical and mental disabilities in Illinois. It is the only statewide, cross-disability, comprehensive advocacy organization providing self-advocacy assistance, legal services, and disability rights education while also engaging in public policy and legislative advocacy and conducting abuse investigations and other oversight activities.
1 West Old State Capitol Plaza Suite 816 Springfield, IL 62701 Voice: (217) 544-0464 (800) 758-0464 TTY: (800) 610-2779 Fax: (217) 523-0720 Email:
The mission of Equip for Equality is to advance the human and civil rights of children and adults with physical and mental disabilities in Illinois. It is the only statewide, cross-disability, comprehensive advocacy organization providing self-advocacy assistance, legal services, and disability rights education while also engaging in public policy and legislative advocacy and conducting abuse investigations and other oversight activities.
20 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 300 Chicago, IL 60602 Voice: (312) 341-0022 (800) 537-2632 TTY: (800) 610-2779 Fax: (312) 341-0295 Email:
The Minnesota Disability Law Center (MDLC) is the designated Protection and Advocacy System (P&A) for Minnesota and addresses the unique legal needs of Minnesotans with disabilities. MDLC provides free civil legal assistance to individuals with disabilities statewide on legal issues related to their disabilities. All individuals with disabilities are eligible to receive help, regardless of age or income level.
MMLA MN Disability Law Center 111 N Fifth St, Suite 100 Minneapolis, MN 55403 Voice: (612) 334-5970 TDD (612) 332-4668 TTY: Toll free (800) 292-4150 Fax: (612) 334-5755 Email:
Designated by the Governor to ensure the rights of all state citizens with disabilities through individual advocacy and system change, DRW is part of a national system of federally mandated independent disability agencies. DRW is completely independent of government and the disability service system in order to be free of any conflicts of interests which would undermine our capacity to advocate vigorously on behalf of the human and legal rights of people with disabilities. Disability Rights Wisconsin serves people of all ages, including people with developmental disabilities, people with mental illness, people with physical or sensory disabilities, and people with traumatic brain injury.
217 W. Knapp St. Rice Lake, WI 54868 Voice: (715) 736-1232 TTY: (888) 758-6049 Fax: (715) 736-1252
Disability Rights Wisconsin serves people of all ages, including people with developmental disabilities, people with mental illness, people with physical or sensory disabilities, and people with traumatic brain injury. Disability Rights Wisconsin respects the cultural values and personal choices of those seeking our services. We value diversity in all aspects of our agency’s operations.
1502 W Broadway Suite 201 Madison, WI 53713 Voice: 608-267-0214 800-928-8778 Email:
Designated by the Governor to ensure the rights of all state citizens with disabilities through individual advocacy and system change, DRW is part of a national system of federally mandated independent disability agencies. DRW is completely independent of government and the disability service system in order to be free of any conflicts of interests which would undermine our capacity to advocate vigorously on behalf of the human and legal rights of people with disabilities. Disability Rights Wisconsin serves people of all ages, including people with developmental disabilities, people with mental illness, people with physical or sensory disabilities, and people with traumatic brain injury.
131 W. Wilson St., Suite 700 Madison, WI 53703 Voice: (608) 267-0214 TTY: (888) 758-6049 Fax: (608) 267-0368