INDATA Easterseal Crossroads has been providing assistive technology solutions in Indiana since 1979. In 2007, Easterseals Crossroads partnered with the State of Indiana, Bureau of Rehabilitative Services to establish the Indiana Assistive Technology Act (INDATA) Project. The INDATA Project is one of 56 similar federally-funded projects designed to increase access and awareness of assistive technology. INDATA CORE services include: Information and referral, funding assistance, public awareness and education, device demonstration, device loan, reutilized computers and equipment reutilization.
4740 Kingsway Drive Indianapolis, IN 46205 Voice: (317)466-2013 Toll free: (888)466-1314 TTY: (317)479-3232 Fax: (317)466-2000 Email:
Michigan's Assistive Technology Program is part of the Michigan Disability Rights Coalition (MDRC), a state-wide network of individuals and organizations that advances the issues of Michigan's disability community through grassroots activism, public education and advocacy.
Michigan Disability Rights Coalition 3498 East Lake Lansing Road, Ste 100 East Lansing, MI 48823 Voice: (517)333-2477 Fax: (517)333-2677 Email:
Assistive Technology of Michigan’s four-step solution for the computer access, ergonomics, environmental control, and work site accommodation allows adults and children with physical, sensory, cognitive or learning disabilities to lead independent, productive lives.
Assistive Technology of Michigan 43000 W. 9 Mile Rd. Suite 113 Novi, MI 48375 US Voice: (248)348-7161
AT Ohio's mission is to help Ohioans with disabilities learn about or acquire assistive technology. Assistive Technology refers to devices, equipment or services that assist individuals with disabilities to function independently in the areas of work, home or school. We offer several programs and services to achieve that goal. We also keep up with current legislative activity that affects persons with disabilities, and educate legislators about the needs and concerns of citizens with disabilities.
Assistive Technology of Ohio (AT Ohio) is a federally funded nonprofit organization that is part of the College of Engineering at The Ohio State University. AT Ohio is the officially designated Tech Act program for Ohio.
The federal agency of Health and Human Services provides funding for all tech act programs. Each state and U.S. territory provide appropriate services under the guidelines of the Assistive Technology Act of 1998, as amended in 2004.
Technology of Ohio Area 200 1314 Kinnear Road Columbus, OH 43212 Voice: Toll free: (800) 784-3425 TTY: (614) 293-4963 Email:
The vision of AgrAbility is to enhance quality of life for farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural workers with disabilities, so that they, their families, and their communities continue to succeed in rural America. For this target audience, "success" may be defined by many parameters, including: gainful employment in production agriculture or a related occupation; access to appropriate assistive technology needed for work and daily living activities; evidence-based information related to the treatment and rehabilitation of disabling conditions; and targeted support for family caregivers of AgrAbility customers. AgrAbility addresses a wide variety of disabling conditions in agriculture, including, but not limited to:
• Arthritis
• Spinal cord injuries/paralysis
• Back impairments
• Amputations
• Brain injury
• Visual impairments
• Hearing impairments
• Disabling diseases
• Cerebral palsy
• Respiratory impairments
• Head injury
Breaking New Ground Resource Center Purdue University ABE Bldg., 225 South University Street West Lafayette IN 47907-2093 Voice: Toll free: (800) 825-4264 Phone: (765) 494-1191 Fax: (765) 496-1356
Computers are tools that can provide solutions to many problems facing people with disabilities today. Closing The Gap, Inc. is an organization that focuses on assistive technology for people with special needs through its bimonthly magazine, annual international conference and extensive Web site.
526 Main Street P.O. Box 68 Henderson, Minnesota 56044 Voice: (507) 248-3294 Fax: (507) 248-3810
IATP's mission is to increase access to and the acquisition of Assistive Technology (AT) devices and services for individuals of all ages with disabilities. IATP provides AT information and services in the areas of education, employment, community living, and IT/telecommunications. Our goal is to improve the quality of life of all Illinoisans with disabilities and enable them through greater access to assistive technology devices to fully participate in all aspects of life. We believe disability is a natural part of the human experience and in no way diminishes a person's right to:
* enjoy full inclusion and integration in mainstream society;
* benefit from an education;
* pursue meaningful careers and;
* enjoy self-determination and make choices.
701 North Walnut St, Springfield, IL 62702 Voice: (217) 522-7985 800-852-5110 Fax: (217) 522-8067
Infinitec is the assistive technology program of United Cerebral Palsy Seguin of Greater Chicago. Assistive technology is any device that accomplishes a task for someone who cannot achieve it naturally. Examples range from synthetic voice for speech to wheelchairs for mobility to reading programs that aid people with learning disabilities or blindness. UCP Seguin sponsors Infinitec programs that bring assistive technology to people with disabilities of all types in the State of Illinois and beyond.
The mission of Infinitec is to advance independence and promote inclusive opportunities for children and adults with disabilities through technology. Infinitec helps people with disabilities get access to information, technology services, training, assistive equipment and specialists. By creating partnerships with other organizations, the Infinitec staff makes these services and technologies more widely available to everyone who can benefit from them.
Infinitec Assistive Technology Center 7550 West 183rd Street Tinley Park, Illinois 60477 Voice: 833-682-7595
STAR's mission is to help ALL MINNESOTANS with disabilities gain access to and acquire the assistive technology they need to live, learn, work and play.
STAR Program Administration Building 50 Sherburne Avenue, Suite G10 Saint Paul, MN 55155 Voice: (651) 201-2640 Toll free (888) 234-1267 TTY: Toll free (800) 627-3529 Fax: 651-282-6671 Email:
RESNA's goal is "To maximize the health and well-being of people with disabilities through technology."
The purpose of RESNA is to contribute to the public welfare through scientific, literary, professional and educational activities by supporting the development, dissemination, and utilization of knowledge and practice of rehabilitation and assistive technology in order to achieve the highest quality of life for all citizens.
2001 K Street, NW 3rd Floor North Washington, DC 20006 Voice: (202) 367-1121 Fax: (202) 367-2121
The National Endowment for the Arts' Office of Accessibility is the advocacy-technical assistance arm of the Arts Endowment to make the arts accessible for people with disabilities, older adults, veterans, and people living in institutions. Resources to Help Ensure Accessibility of Your Virtual Events for People with Disabilities.
400 7th Street,SW, Washington, DC 20506 Voice: (202) 682-5400 TTY: (202) 682-5496 Email:
WisTech provides information on selecting, funding, installing and using assistive technology.
Office of Independence and Employment 1 W. Wilson Street, Room 951 Madison, WI 53703 Voice: (608) 266-1865 (608) 514-2513 TTY: 711 or (800) 947-3529 Fax: (608) 266-3386 Email: