Our Mission is: To assist people with disabilities to live, work and socialize within a fully accessible community.Our Vision: We believe in and support equitable and inclusive communities for people living with disabilities.We do this by providing a variety of services including: Information and Referral, Advocacy, Community Living, Youth Services and Independent Living Skills Services, Peer Support, and more.
5605 Monroe St Sylvania, Ohio 43560 Voice: (419) 885-5733 Toll free: (866) 885-5733 TTY: (419) 885-5733 Fax: (419) 882-4813
The Ability Center advocates, educates, partners, and provides services supporting people with disabilities to thrive within their community. Service Area:
Lucas, Ottawa, Wood, Fulton, Henry, Defiance, and Williams
1425 East High Street Suite 108 Bryan, OH 43506 Voice: (419) 633-1400 TTY: (419) 782-5441 Fax: (419) 633-1410
The Access Center for Independent Living (ACIL) is one of 12 Centers for Independent Living in Ohio. We work with individuals with significant disabilities in their goals of independence in the community. We currently provide the core independent living services of Information & Referral, Peer Support, Independent Living Skills Training, Advocacy (Individual, Self and Systemic), and Individual Transitioning. We also provide recycled medical equipment through our REDI Program. We work with Youth Transitions, and provide Disability Awareness training through our Think This is Easy? program.The mission of the Access Center for Independent Living (ACIL) is to ensure that people with disabilities have full and complete access to the community in which they reside.ACIL now proudly serves the counties of: Champaign, Clark, Darke, Greene, Logan, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, and Shelby.
165 E Helena St, Dayton, OH 45404 Voice: (937) 341-5202
The Center for Disability Empowerment (CDE) can help you find resources to live, learn, worship, work and play alongside people who do not have disabilities.Our community-based, non-residential center is under your direction and guided by your choices. We will help you create an Independent Living Plan (ILP) with the steps and resources you need to reach your goals, whether they're big or small.
4400 N. High St., Suite 102 Columbus Ohio 43214 Voice: (614) 575-8055
This section of the Ohio Revised Code describes placard eligibility.
Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles P.O. Box 16520 Columbus, Ohio 43216-6520 Voice: (614)752-7500
"The [accessible parking sign] locations shall be designated through the posting of an elevated sign, whether permanently affixed or movable, imprinted with the international symbol of access and shall be reasonably close to exits, entrances, elevators, and ramps. All elevated signs posted in accordance with this division and division (C) of section 3781.111 of the Revised Code shall be mounted on a fixed or movable post, and the distance from the ground to the bottom edge of the sign shall measure not less than five feet. If a new sign or a replacement sign designating a special parking location is posted on or after October 14, 1999, there also shall be affixed upon the surface of that sign or affixed next to the designating sign a notice that states the fine applicable for the offense of parking a motor vehicle in the special designated parking location if the motor vehicle is not legally entitled to be parked in that location."
Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles P.O. Box 16520 Columbus, Ohio 43216-6520 Voice: (614)752-7500
AT Ohio's mission is to help Ohioans with disabilities learn about or acquire assistive technology. Assistive Technology refers to devices, equipment or services that assist individuals with disabilities to function independently in the areas of work, home or school. We offer several programs and services to achieve that goal. We also keep up with current legislative activity that affects persons with disabilities, and educate legislators about the needs and concerns of citizens with disabilities.
Assistive Technology of Ohio (AT Ohio) is a federally funded nonprofit organization that is part of the College of Engineering at The Ohio State University. AT Ohio is the officially designated Tech Act program for Ohio.
The federal agency of Health and Human Services provides funding for all tech act programs. Each state and U.S. territory provide appropriate services under the guidelines of the Assistive Technology Act of 1998, as amended in 2004.
Technology of Ohio Area 200 1314 Kinnear Road Columbus, OH 43212 Voice: Toll free: (800) 784-3425 TTY: (614) 293-4963 Email: atohio@osu.edu
Our Mission: The Center for Independent Living Options, Inc. (CILO) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that provides services for people with physical, sensory, cognitive, and/or psychological disabilities in Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. CILO was founded in 1977 by people with disabilities who desired a support system to help people with permanent disabilities reach their greatest potential and independence.
2368 Victory Parkway, Suite 501 Cincinnati, Ohio 45206 Voice: 513-241-2600 Fax: (513) 241-1707 Email: info@independencealliance.org
The primary function of The Ohio Civil Rights Commission is to enforce state laws against discrimination. OCRC receives and investigates charges of discrimination in employment, public accommodations, housing, credit and higher education on the bases of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, ancestry or familial status.
Lausche State Office Building 615 W. Superior Avenue, Suite 885 Cleveland, Ohio 44113-1897 Voice: Toll free: (888) 278-7101 (216) 787-3150 TTY: (614) 752-2391 Fax: (216) 787-4121
The primary function of The Ohio Civil Rights Commission is to enforce state laws against discrimination. OCRC receives and investigates charges of discrimination in employment, public accommodations, housing, credit and higher education on the bases of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, ancestry or familial status.
Point West III 3055 Kettering Blvd, Suite 111 Dayton, OH 45439 Voice: Toll free: (888) 278-7101 (937) 285-6500 TTY: (614) 752-2391 Fax: (937) 285-6606
The primary function of The Ohio Civil Rights Commission is to enforce state laws against discrimination. OCRC receives and investigates charges of discrimination in employment, public accommodations, housing, credit and higher education on the bases of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, ancestry or familial status.
Rhodes State Office Tower, 30 E. Broad Street, 4th floor Columbus, Ohio 43215-3414 Voice: (614) 466-2785 TTY: (614) 753-2391 Fax: (614) 644-8776
The primary function of The Ohio Civil Rights Commission is to enforce state laws against discrimination. OCRC receives and investigates charges of discrimination in employment, public accommodations, housing, credit and higher education on the bases of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, ancestry or familial status.
One Government Center 640 Jackson Street, Suite 936 Toledo, OH 43604 Voice: (888) 278-7101 (419) 245-2900 TTY: (614) 752-2391 Fax: (419) 245-2668
The primary function of The Ohio Civil Rights Commission is to enforce state laws against discrimination. OCRC receives and investigates charges of discrimination in employment, public accommodations, housing, credit and higher education on the bases of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, ancestry or familial status.
Mid-Pointe Towers 7162 Reading Road, Suite 1005 Cincinnati, OH 45237 Voice: (513) 351-2541 TTY: (614) 752-2391 Fax: (513) 351-2616
The primary function of The Ohio Civil Rights Commission is to enforce state laws against discrimination. OCRC receives and investigates charges of discrimination in employment, public accommodations, housing, credit and higher education on the bases of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, ancestry or familial status.
Akron Government Building, 172 S. Broadway Street, Suite 400, Akron, OH 44308 Voice: (330) 643-3100 Fax: (330) 643-3120
The primary function of The Ohio Civil Rights Commission is to enforce state laws against discrimination. OCRC receives and investigates charges of discrimination in employment, public accommodations, housing, credit and higher education on the bases of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, ancestry or familial status.
Rhodes State Office Tower, 30 E. Broad Street, 5th floor Columbus, Ohio 43215 Voice: Toll free: (888) 278-7101 (614) 466-2785 Fax: (614) 644-8776
The mission of the Fairfield Center for disAbilities and Cerebral Palsy, Inc. is to create a better future for people with a disability by increasing and enhancing their lifestyle opportunities
Fairfield Center for Disabilities and Cerebral Palsy 681 E. Sixth Avenue Lancaster, Ohio 43130 Voice: (740)653-5501 (740)653-6046 Email: fcdcp@sbcglobal.net
The Ohio Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) was established in 1992 by amendments to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and is a statutory requirement under Federal laws. The Ohio SILC is designed to maintain independence and not exist within any state agency, to ensure autonomy of the Independent Living (IL) Program in Ohio.
The Ohio SILC's is responsible for the development, implementation, and monitoring of the State Plan for Independent Living, a three-year strategic plan for Ohio to work towards goals of greater access, inclusion and independence; coordinating activities with other entities that provide services similar or complementary to Independent Living Services; assisting to develop the network of Centers for Independent Living; and conduct regular meetings of the Council that are open to the public.
670 Morrison Rd., Suite 200 Gahanna, OH 43230 Voice: (614) 438-1391 TTY: (614) 892-0390 Fax: (614) 861-0392
Our Mission is: The Independent Living Center of North Central Ohio is a non-residential agency offering services for individuals with disabilities that will allow them to remain active and independent within their homes and communities.
2230 Village Mall Drive Mansfield, OH 44906 Voice: (419) 526-6770 Fax: (419) 526-6870 Email: ilcnco@yahoo.com
Our Mission is: To offer services for Individuals with disabilities that will allow them to remain active and independent within their homes and communities. We do this by providing Information and Referral, Advocacy, Peer Support and Independent Living Skills Training. The also provides Educational Programs (Power to Change). Recreational and Socialization (Y-membership, youth soccer, basketball and golf).
2230 Village Mall Drive Suite 200, Mansfield, Ohio 44906 Voice: (419) 526-6770 Fax: (419) 526-6870
Consumer-directed to ensure a society of equal opportunity for all persons, regardless of disability.
LEAP's Cleveland Office: 2545 Lorain Ave. Cleveland, OH 44113 Voice: (216) 696-2716 TTY: (216) 696-2716 Fax: (216) 687-1453
The Mid-Ohio Board for an Independent Living Environment ( MOBILE) is a non-profit Center for Independent Living directed by persons with disabilities. MOBILE was founded on principles that affirm the right of persons with disabilities to live their lives with a full measure of liberty and human dignity.
690 S. High Street Columbus, OH 43206 Voice: (614)443-5936 TTY: (614)443-5957 Fax: (614)443-5954 Email: info@mobileonline.org
Link to facebook - https://www.facebook.com/p/Mobile-Center-for-Independent-Living-100067756834503/?_rdr
Link to facebook - https://www.facebook.com/p/Mobile-Center-for-Independent-Living-100067756834503/?_rdr
The Attorney General’s duties fall into three broad functions. First, the Attorney General is the lawyer for the State of Ohio and its departments, boards and agencies. This office represents the legal interests of the state, provides legal advice when requested by our clients, engages in litigation on behalf of the state and defends the state when it is sued. The Attorney General is responsible for the collection of debts owed to the state.
Second, the office has enforcement authority in areas as empowered by the General Assembly. These areas include consumer protection, charitable solicitation, antitrust actions and organized crime.
Finally, the office works with local law enforcement agencies at their request and provides criminal justice support services through the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation, peace officer training through the Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission and task force participation through Ohio Organized Crime Investigations Commission. Occasionally, at the invitation of local prosecutors, attorneys with the Office will serve as special prosecutors in criminal cases.
State Office Tower 30 E. Broad Street, 17th Floor Columbus, OH 43215-3428 Voice: (614)466-4320 Toll free: (800)282-0515
Disability Rights Ohio is a non-profit corporation with a mission to advocate for the human, civil and legal rights of people with disabilities in Ohio.
Since October 2012, Disability Rights Ohio has served as Ohio's Protection and Advocacy (P&A) system and Client Assistance Program (CAP). It is governed by a Board of Directors, primarily consisting of people with disabilities and family members of people with disabilities.
Disability Rights Ohio 200 Civic Center Drive, Suite 300 Columbus, OH 43215 Voice: (614)466-7264 Toll free: (800)282-9181 TTY: (614) 728-2553 Fax: (614) 644-1888
Mission: To help Ohioans improve the quality of their lives.
Vision: To be the nation’s leading family support and workforce development system.
30 E. Broad Street, 32nd Floor Columbus, Ohio 43215 Voice: Toll free: (877) 852-0010 (614) 466-2100
Functions of the Board of Building Standards:
A) Formulate, adopt, and amend the Building, Mechanical, Plumbing, Elevator, Boiler, and Pressure Piping Codes. B) Certify municipal, county, and township building departments to exercise enforcement authority and to accept and approve plans and specifications, and make inspections and to inspect power, refrigerating, hydraulic, heating, oxygen and other gaseous piping, and liquefied petroleum gas piping systems. C) Conduct hearings, make investigations as deemed necessary or desirable in the discharge of its duties. The BBS is a part of the Division of Industrial Compliance, in the Ohio Department of Commerce.
Voice: 614-466-3636
Mission Description:Empowering Ohioans with disabilities through employment, disability determinations, and independence.
Voice: (614) 438-1200 1-800-282-4536 Long Distance Toll free TTY: (614) 438-1200
The Ohio Coalition for the Education of Children with Disabilities (OCECD) is a statewide nonprofit organization that serves families of infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities in Ohio, educators and agencies who provide services to them. OCECD works through the coalition efforts of over 40 parent and professional disability organizations and over 70 individual members which comprise the Coalition. OCECD has also been funded since 1984 to serve as the Parent Training and Information Center (PTI) for the state of Ohio from the federal government, U.S. Dept of Education, Office for Special Education Programs.
125 Executive Drive Suite 200 Marion, OH 43302 Voice: 844-382-5452 Email: ocecd@ocecd.org
To empower persons with disabilities to lead inclusive lives through advocacy, community engagement, and self-directed services.
800 Sharon Dr., Suite C Westlake, OH 44145 Voice: (216) 731-1529 Fax: (216) 731-3083 7.1.1 Ohio Relay Service
Society for Equal Access Independent Living Center has been in operation since 1998. We are a consumer controlled, cross disability, private not-for-profit organization operated by individuals with disabilities for individuals with disabilities. Society for Equal Access currently provides services to residents of Belmont, Carroll, Coshocton, Guernsey, Harrison, Holmes, Jefferson and Tuscarawas counties in Ohio. Our mission to assist individuals to become more independent within our community
22 Bank Lane, Dover OH 44622 Voice: (330) 343-9292
SOCIL is a non-profit, non-residential organization which assists people with significant disabilities who want to live more independently. They assist people of all ages with all types of disabilities. Serving Fairfield and Hocking Counties, Ohio
418 South Broad Street Lancaster, Ohio 43130 Voice: (740)689-1494 Toll free: (888)957-6245 TTY: (740)689-1494 Fax: (740)689-1455
SOCIL is a non-profit, non-residential organization which assists people with significant disabilities who want to live more independently. They assist people of all ages with all types of disabilities. Serving Fairfield and Hocking Counties, Ohio
96 W. Hunter Street Logan, Ohio 43138 Voice: 740-689-1494
Service Monitoring and Enforcement Department, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio 180 E. Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215 Voice: 800-686-7826 TTY: 800-686-1570 Fax: 614-752-8351 Email: contactthePUCO@puco.ohio.gov
Tri-County's mission is to empower citizens with disabilities to be in charge of their lives and participate as members of their communities. Through our collective strength, we advocate for the elimination of societal barriers and strive to achieve community accessibility and acceptance.
520 S Main ST Suite 2501 Akron, OH 4431 Voice: (330) 762-0007 TTY: Ohio Relay Dial 711 Fax: (330) 762-7416 Email: info@tcilc.org
Cincinnati Children's will improve child health and transform delivery of care through fully integrated, globally recognized research, education and innovation.For patients from our community, the nation and the world, the care we provide will achieve the best: Medical and quality-of-life outcomes,patient and family experience,Value,today and in the future.
UCEDD Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center MLC 4002 3333 Burnet Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45229-3039 Voice: (513) 636-4618 TTY: (513) 636-4900 Fax: (513) 636-0107
To empower persons with disabilities to lead inclusive lives through advocacy, community engagement, and self-directed services.
Counties Served : Trumbull, Mahoning, Ashtabula, Columbiana
4076 Youngstown Road Southeast Suite 203 Warren, OH 44484 Voice: (330) 372-3325 Fax: (330) 373-1826 Email: pjd@wrilc.org