This is a link to the Minnesota Statute describing the scope of accessible parking placard eligibility, including required medical statements and fees.
Minnesota Department of Public Safety: Driver and Vehicle Services Division - Central Office 445 Minnesota Street, Suite 190 Town Square Building Saint Paul MN 55101-5190 Voice: (651)297-3298 TTY: (651)282-6555
Assisting individuals with disabilities to
live independently, pursue meaningful goals,
and have equal opportunities and choices.
606 N.W. 5th Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Voice: (218) 824-5228 Fax: (218) 824-1421 Email: Don Brunette -
Assisting individuals with disabilities to
live independently, pursue meaningful goals,
and have equal opportunities and choices.
20 Third Street NE Aitkin, MN 56431 Voice: (218) 429-0106 Fax: (218) 927-5624 Email: Don Brunette -
Assisting individuals with disabilities to
live independently, pursue meaningful goals,
and have equal opportunities and choices.
118 E. Superior Street Duluth MN 55802 Voice: (218) 625-1400 Toll free: (888) 625-1401 Fax: (218) 625-1401 Email: Don Brunette -
Assisting individuals with disabilities to
live independently, pursue meaningful goals,
and have equal opportunities and choices.
1309 East 40th Street Hibbing, MN 55746 Voice: (218) 262-6675 (800) 390-3681 TTY: (218)262-6675 Fax: (218)262-6677 Email: Don Brunette -
Assisting individuals with disabilities to
live independently, pursue meaningful goals,
and have equal opportunities and choices.
P.O. Box 728 8245 Industrial Park Road, Suite B Walker, MN 56484-0728 Voice: (218)547-2810 Fax: (218)547-2812 Email: Don Brunette -
Mission Description: The Minnesota Department of Human Rights (MDHR) envisions a world where everyone can lead full lives, rich with dignity and joy. MDHR protects the civil rights of all Minnesotans through the Minnesota Human Rights Act to ensure everyone can live free from discrimination.
St. Cloud City Hall 400 2nd St. South St. Cloud, Minnesota 56301 Voice: (320) 407-8286 Email:
Mission Description: The Minnesota Department of Human Rights (MDHR) envisions a world where everyone can lead full lives, rich with dignity and joy. MDHR protects the civil rights of all Minnesotans through the Minnesota Human Rights Act to ensure everyone can live free from discrimination.
Griggs Midway Building 540 Fairview Avenue North Suite 201 Saint Paul MN 55104 Voice: (651) 539-1100 TTY: 711 or (800) 627-3529 Fax: (651)296-9042 Email:
Provide services that increase independence for people with disabilities.
125 West Lincoln Suite 1 Fergus Falls, MN 56537 Voice: (218) 998-1799 Fax: (218) 998-1798 Email:
Independent Lifestyles Provides four core services in the following nine county area: Stearns, Benton, Sherburne, Meeker, Morrison, Mille Lacs, Kandiyohi, Wright and Isanti. Core services: Independent Living Skills; Information and Referral; Advocacy; Peer Mentoring.
107- 2nd Street Southeast Suite 104 Little Falls, MN 56345 Voice: (320) 631-0713
Independent Lifestyles Provides four core services in the following nine county area: Stearns, Benton, Sherburne, Meeker, Morrison, Mille Lacs, Kandiyohi, Wright and Isanti. Core services: Independent Living Skills; Information and Referral; Advocacy; Peer Mentoring.
215 North Benton Drive Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 Voice: (320) 529-9000 Toll free: (888) 529-0743 Fax: (320) 529-0747 Email:
Independent Lifestyles Provides four core services in the following nine county area: Stearns, Benton, Sherburne, Meeker, Morrison, Mille Lacs, Kandiyohi, Wright and Isanti. Core services: Independent Living Skills; Information and Referral; Advocacy; Peer Mentoring.
670 Humboldt Dr Suite G Big Lake, MN 55309 Voice: (763) 227-8738
MCIL is dedicated to the full promotion of the Independent Living (IL) philosophy by supporting individuals with disabilities in their personal efforts to pursue self-directed lives...MCIL lives by the IL philosophy by providing a variety of core services including: Information and Referral; Independent Living Skills Training; Peer Mentorship; Advocacy: Systemic and Individual. Specific programs MCIL provides consumers with include: Housing Referral Services; Transition program for children and young adults with disabilities; Consumer directed Personal Attendant Services program; Deaf IL program targeting services to individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing; Ramp Project: Internationally recognized and award winning; Disability Linkage line: Information, referral and assistance call center; Nursing Home Relocation: Assisting people in relocationg from nursing homes and institutional settings.
530 North Robert Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Voice: (651)646-8342
ADA Minnesota is a resource providing Minnesota citizens with disabilities, businesses, communities, government, universities and colleges assistance in implementing the ADA. It consists of a volunteer committee representing people with disabilities, government, businesses and non-profit organizations. Staff is housed at the Metropolitan Center for Independent Living in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area.
Services ADA MN provides to individuals, organizations, and businesses at no cost include: Technical assistance and information about what the ADA covers and what is required for compliance; Education, trainings, conferences, and presentations; Mini-grants to implement the ADA in diverse communities; Publications with information on employment, accessibility, reasonable accommodations and more; Connections to a network of local and agencies; Resources on accessible information and electronic technology in education centers.
530 Robert Street North, Saint Paul, MN 55101 Voice: (651)603-2015 (888)630-9793 TTY: (651)603-2001
The Minnesota Association of Centers for Independent Living (MACIL) is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to advocate for the independent living needs of people with disabilities who are citizens of the State of Minnesota, to develop new resources, identify and provide access to existing resources which provide the services needed by persons with disabilities so that they may live independently in the situation and community of their choice.
2200 Second St., SW Rochester, MN 55902 Voice: 507-285-1815 Email:
The Attorney General is the chief legal officer for the State of Minnesota. The Office represents and provides legal advice to over 100 state agencies, boards and commissions. The Office represents the state in state and federal court, as well as in administrative adjudication and rulemaking hearings. The Office handles felony criminal appeals, advises local prosecutors in the conduct of criminal trials and handles cases at the request of local prosecutors. In addition, the Office issues formal opinions interpreting statutes for the agencies and political subdivisions of the state. The Attorney General is a member of the State Executive Council, the State Board of Investment, the Pardons Board and the Land Exchange Board. The Office is the state’s chief policy maker and law enforcer in the important areas of consumer protection, antitrust enforcement and charities’ regulation. The Office is also responsible for representing residential and small business utility consumers through participation in matters before the Public Utilities Commission.
1400 Bremer Tower 445 Minnesota Street St. Paul, MN 55101-2131 Voice: (651) 296-3353 Toll free (800) 657-3787 TTY: (651) 297-7206 Toll free (800) 366-4812
The Minnesota Disability Law Center (MDLC) is the designated Protection and Advocacy System (P&A) for Minnesota and addresses the unique legal needs of Minnesotans with disabilities. MDLC provides free civil legal assistance to individuals with disabilities statewide on legal issues related to their disabilities. All individuals with disabilities are eligible to receive help, regardless of age or income level.
P.O. Box 572 Fertile, MN 56540 Voice: Toll free (800) 292-4150
The Minnesota Disability Law Center (MDLC) is the designated Protection and Advocacy System (P&A) for Minnesota and addresses the unique legal needs of Minnesotans with disabilities. MDLC provides free civil legal assistance to individuals with disabilities statewide on legal issues related to their disabilities. All individuals with disabilities are eligible to receive help, regardless of age or income level.
Minnesota Disability Law Center 110 Sixth Avenue South Suite 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301 Voice: (320) 253-0121 Toll Free (888) 360-2889 TTY: Toll free (800) 292-4150 Fax: (320) 253-5794
The Minnesota Disability Law Center (MDLC) is the designated Protection and Advocacy System (P&A) for Minnesota and addresses the unique legal needs of Minnesotans with disabilities. MDLC provides free civil legal assistance to individuals with disabilities statewide on legal issues related to their disabilities. All individuals with disabilities are eligible to receive help, regardless of age or income level.
306 W. Superior Street 403 Alworth Building Duluth, MN 55802 Voice: 612-334-5970 Disability Line: 1-800-292-4150
The Minnesota Disability Law Center (MDLC) is the designated Protection and Advocacy System (P&A) for Minnesota and addresses the unique legal needs of Minnesotans with disabilities. MDLC provides free civil legal assistance to individuals with disabilities statewide on legal issues related to their disabilities. All individuals with disabilities are eligible to receive help, regardless of age or income level.
415 SW Seventh St. PO Box 1866 Willmar, MN 56201 Voice: 320-235-9600
The Minnesota Disability Law Center (MDLC) is the designated Protection and Advocacy System (P&A) for Minnesota and addresses the unique legal needs of Minnesotans with disabilities. MDLC provides free civil legal assistance to individuals with disabilities statewide on legal issues related to their disabilities. All individuals with disabilities are eligible to receive help, regardless of age or income level.
12 Civic Center Plaza Suite 3000-A Mankato, MN 556001 Voice: Toll free (800) 292-4150 Fax: (612) 334-5755
State Support's mission is to improve access to justice for all Minnesotans. State Support's unique role is to provide information, connections, and tools for the public and for advocates,
and to support the civil legal aid programs who share our mission.
970 Raymond Avenue, Suite G40 St. Paul, MN 55114 Voice: (651) 228-9105 Fax: (651) 222-0745
The Minnesota Disability Law Center (MDLC) is the designated Protection and Advocacy System (P&A) for Minnesota and addresses the unique legal needs of Minnesotans with disabilities. MDLC provides free civil legal assistance to individuals with disabilities statewide on legal issues related to their disabilities. All individuals with disabilities are eligible to receive help, regardless of age or income level.
MMLA MN Disability Law Center 111 N Fifth St, Suite 100 Minneapolis, MN 55403 Voice: (612) 334-5970 TDD (612) 332-4668 TTY: Toll free (800) 292-4150 Fax: (612) 334-5755 Email:
STAR's mission is to help ALL MINNESOTANS with disabilities gain access to and acquire the assistive technology they need to live, learn, work and play.
STAR Program Administration Building 50 Sherburne Avenue, Suite G10 Saint Paul, MN 55155 Voice: (651) 201-2640 Toll free (888) 234-1267 TTY: Toll free (800) 627-3529 Fax: 651-282-6671 Email:
This chapter of the Minnesota State Building Code contains detailed accessibility requirements for persons with disabilities in new buildings, additions to buildings and buildings undergoing alterations. It does not apply to residential dwellings having three or fewer dwelling units in a building. Examples of subjects regulated include, site access to buildings, accessible restroom features, accessibility between different floor levels, features for sight and hearing impaired persons, etc. This resource is housed within the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry, Minnesota Construction Codes and Licensing Division.
Voice: (651) 284-5012 Toll free (800) 657-3944 TTY: (651) 297-4198 Fax: (651) 284-5749
To serve people with disabilities in Minnesota through development of effective policy, training, technical resources and collaborations with public and private stakeholders.
1600 University Ave W Suite 8, St Paul. MN 55104 Voice: Toll free (800) 945-8913 (651) 361-7800 TTY: Toll free (800) 945-8913 (651) 361-7800 Fax: (651) 296-5935 Email:
If you have a disability, our Vocational Rehabilitation Services unit can help you prepare for, find and keep a job, and live as independently as possible. With the right kind of training, preparation and workplace accommodations, people with disabilities can have rewarding careers. This resource is a part of the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED).
180 E 5th St Suite 1200 Saint Paul, MN 55101 Voice: 651-259-7114 Email:
Minnesota WorkForce Centers (WFCs) provide the tools, resources and services needed for job search, career planning and training needs.WorkForce Centers are a collaboration of partners, including the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) and local community agencies. People seeking work, businesses seeking employees, students, and those looking for a first job or returning to the workforce, will find services to meet their needs, offered at no cost. Each WFC houses a Resource Area that operates similarly to a public library.
To find a Minnesota WorkForce Center nearest to you, go to the provided website and look under office locations.
181 E 5th St Suite 1200 Saint Paul, MN 55101 Voice: 651-259-7114 Email:
Options: Interstate Resource Center for Independent Living (IRCIL) is a Resource Center for Independent Living. We are a private, nonprofit center that provides services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities. We are funded by various State and Federal grants, as well as private donations. We are a consumer-controlled, community-based, cross-disability, non-residential center that is designed and operated within a local community by individuals with disabilities and provide an array of independent living services . Our services are free of charge to individuals requesting them. We serve counties in Northeast North Dakota and Northwest Minnesota.
318 Third Street NW East Grand Forks, MN 56721 Voice: (218) 773-6100 Toll free: (800) 726-3692 TTY: (218) 773-6100 Fax: (218) 773-7119 Email: options@myoptions.inf
discapacitados abriéndose caminos (d.a.c.) is a non-profit organization based out of Minnesota that is solely dedicated to the challenge of disability as it affects Latino families. discapacitados abriéndose caminos (people with disability; opening paths in life) is committed to stabilize basic needs, provide timely and culturally sensitive listening, address the families’ priorities, and communicate and respond in ways meaningful to the family.
107 7th Avenue South South St. Paul, MN 55075 Voice: (651) 293-1748 Fax: (651) 293-1744 Email:
The mission of PACER Center (Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights) is to expand opportunities and enhance the quality of life of children and young adults with disabilities and their families, based on the concept of parents helping parents.
PACER Center, Inc. 8161 Normandale Blvd. Bloomington, MN 55437 Voice: (952) 838-9000 Toll free: (800) 537-2237 TTY: (952) 838-0190 Fax: (952) 838-0199
The Southeastern Minnesota Center for Independent Living, Inc. which was founded in 1981, is a non profit organization that assists people with disabilities to become independent and productive community members. Our Independent Living and Personal Care Assistant Programs promote self-sufficiency and help assure that persons with a disability have the same opportunities as members of the general public. SEMCIL is located in Rochester, MN and has offices in Goodhue and Winona Counties.
2200 Second Street SW Rochester, MN 55902 Voice: (507) 285-1815 Email:
The Southeastern Minnesota Center for Independent Living, Inc. which was founded in 1981, is a non profit organization that assists people with disabilities to become independent and productive community members. Our Independent Living and Personal Care Assistant Programs promote self-sufficiency and help assure that persons with a disability have the same opportunities as members of the general public. SEMCIL is located in Rochester, MN and has offices in Goodhue and Winona Counties.
902 East Second Street, Suite 311 Winona, MN 55987 Voice: (507) 452-5490 Toll free (888) 452-5490 Fax: (507) 454-4226 Email:
Mission: SMILES Center for Independent Living is a nonprofit organization committed to providing a wide array of services that assist individuals with disabilities that live independently, pursue meaningful goals, and enjoy the same opportunities and choices as all persons.
301 Downtown Plaza # 3 Fairmont, MN 56031 Voice: (507) 235-3488 Fax: (507) 235-3488
Mission: SMILES Center for Independent Living is a nonprofit organization committed to providing a wide array of services that assist individuals with disabilities that live independently, pursue meaningful goals, and enjoy the same opportunities and choices as all persons.
709 South Front Street, Suite 7 Mankato, Minnesota 56001-3804 Voice: (507) 345-7139 Toll free (888) 676-6498 TTY: (507) 345-7139 Fax: (507) 345-8429 Email:
Mission: SMILES Center for Independent Living is a nonprofit organization committed to providing a wide array of services that assist individuals with disabilities that live independently, pursue meaningful goals, and enjoy the same opportunities and choices as all persons.
1618 South. Broadway, New Ulm, MN 56073-3756 Voice: (507) 354-7106 Fax: (507) 354-7106
Mission: SMILES Center for Independent Living is a nonprofit organization committed to providing a wide array of services that assist individuals with disabilities that live independently, pursue meaningful goals, and enjoy the same opportunities and choices as all persons.
299 JOhnson Ave., Suite 130 Waseca, MN 56093 Voice: 507-310-0266 Fax: 507-310-0267
The Southwestern Center for Independent Living (SWCIL) is a private, non-profit, consumer controlled, non-residential, community based organization whose direction is determined by and for people with disabilities. Emphasis is placed on improving the quality of life for all people with disabilities who live in southwestern Minnesota.
109 South Fifth Street, Suite 700 Marshall, MN 56258 Voice: (507) 532-2221 Toll free (800) 422-1485 TTY: (507) 532-2221 Toll free (800) 422-1485 Fax: (507) 532-2222 Email:
Minnesota Relay is a program that provides access for people with hearing loss or a speech disability to communicate over the telephone.
Voice: TTY, Voice, ASCII, Hearing Carry Over 1-800-627-3529 CapTel (single-line) To contact a person who uses a single-line CapTel, dial 1-877-243-2823 and then enter the telephone number of the CapTel user. TTY: Speech-to-Speech 1-877-627-3848 Voice Carry Over 1-877-627-3024 Two-Line Voice Carry Over 1-866-855-4611 Spanish Relay 1-877-627-5448
Through collaborative research, training, and information sharing, the Institute on Community Integration (ICI) improves policies and practices to ensure that all children, youth, and adults with disabilities are valued by, and contribute to, their communities of choice. Rather than providing direct services itself, the Institute works with community service providers, school districts, advocacy and self-advocacy organizations, policymakers, and researchers around the world to provide state-of-the-art information and practices that support the community integration of individuals with disabilities.ICI is the federally designated University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) for Minnesota.
2025 E River Parkway Minneapolis, MN 55414 Voice: (612) 624-6300 Fax: 612-624-9344 Email: