Our Mission is: To assist people with disabilities to live, work and socialize within a fully accessible community.Our Vision: We believe in and support equitable and inclusive communities for people living with disabilities.We do this by providing a variety of services including: Information and Referral, Advocacy, Community Living, Youth Services and Independent Living Skills Services, Peer Support, and more.
5605 Monroe St Sylvania, Ohio 43560 Voice: (419) 885-5733 Toll free: (866) 885-5733 TTY: (419) 885-5733 Fax: (419) 882-4813
The Ability Center advocates, educates, partners, and provides services supporting people with disabilities to thrive within their community. Service Area:
Lucas, Ottawa, Wood, Fulton, Henry, Defiance, and Williams
1425 East High Street Suite 108 Bryan, OH 43506 Voice: (419) 633-1400 TTY: (419) 782-5441 Fax: (419) 633-1410
The Access Center for Independent Living (ACIL) is one of 12 Centers for Independent Living in Ohio. We work with individuals with significant disabilities in their goals of independence in the community. We currently provide the core independent living services of Information & Referral, Peer Support, Independent Living Skills Training, Advocacy (Individual, Self and Systemic), and Individual Transitioning. We also provide recycled medical equipment through our REDI Program. We work with Youth Transitions, and provide Disability Awareness training through our Think This is Easy? program.The mission of the Access Center for Independent Living (ACIL) is to ensure that people with disabilities have full and complete access to the community in which they reside.ACIL now proudly serves the counties of: Champaign, Clark, Darke, Greene, Logan, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, and Shelby.
165 E Helena St, Dayton, OH 45404 Voice: (937) 341-5202
Established in 1980, Access Living is a nonresidential Center for Independent Living for people with all types of disabilities – one of the first in the country. Access Living’s programs and services promote the empowerment, independence and inclusion of people with all types of disabilities in every aspect of community life.
115 W Chicago Avenue Chicago, IL 60610 Voice: (312) 640-2100 (800) 613-8549 TTY: (312) 640-2102 (888) 253-7003 Fax: (312) 640-2101
Access to Independence advocates and provides services for people with any type of disability, and of any age, to achieve or maintain their independence. Our service area covers Columbia, Dodge, Dane, and Green Counties in south central Wisconsin.
Access to Independence’s mission is to empower people with disabilities through advocacy, education, and support.
3810 Milwaukee Street Madison, WI 53714-2404 Voice: (608) 242-8484 Toll free: (800) 362-9877 TTY: (608) 242-8485 Fax: (608) 242-0383 Email: info@accesstoind.org
Our Mission is to empower our peers with disabilities to lead and control independent lives fully included in community life. AccessABILITY is a Disability Rights organization serving Indianapolis and the seven surrounding counties. We provide individual consumers, governmental agencies, corporations and other non-profits with the tools necessary to ensure the acceptance, respect and inclusion of everyone. The result is that our communities are enriched through the full participation of ALL PEOPLE. We are consumer-driven: This means that we work at the direction of our consumers who are entitled to control over the decisions that affect their lives. We represent the community we serve-no less than 51% of our staff and governing board are persons with disabilities. Counties we serve are: Boone, Johnson, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Marion, Morgan and Shelby.
8395 Keystone Crossing, Suite 110, Indianapolis IN 46240 Voice: (317)926-1660 (866)794-7245 Fax: (317) 926-1687 Email: info@abilityindiana.org
Advocates for Access is a private, not-for-profit, non-residential organization established in 1985. Advocates for Access is managed by and for people with disabilities. We are a Center for Independent Living dedicated to “Empowering People With Disabilities To Live Independently In Our Community.” To fulfill this mission, Advocates for Access provides direct services, combined with advocacy for social change to allow greater integration of persons with disabilities into mainstream life. We serve people with disabilities, their families and the community in which they live. We also work with private organizations, local communities, service providers, businesses and industries that require technical assistance in responding to the needs of people with disabilities.Advocates for Access serves the counties of Peoria, Tazewell, Fulton and Woodford.
4450 N. Prospect Road, Suite C8 Peoria Heights, IL 61616 Voice: (309) 682-3500 TTY: (309) 682-3567 Fax: (309) 682-3989 Email: info@advocatesforaccess.com
We empower persons with disabilities to effectively control and direct their lives. The Achieving Independence and Mobility Center for Independent Living provides leadership through training, community development and advocacy to enable persons with disabilities to fully participate in family, social and community life.
3130 Finley Rd. Suite 500 Downers Grove, IL 60515 Voice: (630)469-2300 TTY: (630) 469-2300 Video Phone (630) 984-4251 Fax: (630) 469-2606 Email: dcil@mcs.com
At the CIL, we prove that what you want for your life is possible. Since 1976, we have worked hand-in-hand with you to help you live the life you want to live. At the Ann Arbor CIL, our mission is to empower the lives of people with disabilities and advocate for a more inclusive community for all.In addition to providing individualized services, community advocacy, and group workshops for your self-improvement, we are a dynamic community enrichment and recreation center filled with events and activities to help you connect with people and your passions.Our main location is in Ann Arbor, and we also have affiliate locations in Monroe and Livingston counties.
3941 Research Park Drive Ann Arbor, MI 48108 Voice: (734)971-0277 Fax: (734)971-0826
BWCIL is a non-profit, consumer-based organization that advocates, informs and supports persons with disabilities in our community. BWCIL is run by and for people with disabilities in the five counties of Michigan's Thumb.
614 N. Port Crescent Street Bad Axe, Michigan 48413 Voice: (810) 434-1751 Fax: (989) 269-5422 Email: info@bwcil.org
BWCIL is a non-profit, consumer-based organization that advocates, informs and supports persons with disabilities in our community. BWCIL is run by and for people with disabilities in the five counties of Michigan's Thumb.
1184 Cleaver Road Caro, Michigan 48723 Voice: (989) 254-4747 Email: info@bwcil.org
BWCIL is a non-profit, consumer-based organization that advocates, informs and supports persons with disabilities in our community. BWCIL is run by and for people with disabilities in the five counties of Michigan's Thumb.
392 W. Nepessing Street Suite 5 Lapeer, MI 48446 Voice: (810) 664-9098 Toll free: (800) 401-4448 Fax: (810) 664-0937 Email: info@bwcil.org
The Blue Water Center for Independent Living is a consumer driven organization that advocates, informs, and supports all people with disabilities to live independently.
1042 Griswold Ste. 2 Port Huron, MI 48060 Voice: (810) 987-9337 Fax: (810) 987-9548 Email: info@bwcil.org
BWCIL is a non-profit, consumer-based organization that advocates, informs and supports persons with disabilities in our community. BWCIL is run by and for people with disabilities in the five counties of Michigan's Thumb.
100 Argyle Street Ste. 1 Sandusky, Michigan 48471 Voice: (810) 648-2555 Toll free: (800) 877-7522 Fax: (810) 648-2583 Email: info@bwcil.org
Transforming thinking to improve the environment and quality of life for people with disabilities. Disability Network Capital Area is part of the statewide network of Centers for Independent Living. Mandated by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Centers for Independent Living are required to have at least 51% of the staff, as well as Board of Directors, as individuals with disabilities. The staff includes Rehabilitation Counselors, Social Workers, and Independent Living Specialists. Disability Network Capital Area staff is a powerful combination of professionally trained individuals who use personal experience with disabilities to help others. Our service area includes the counties of Clinton, Eaton, Ingham and Shiawassee.
Also, as disabilities touch so many people; we work on a larger scale, helping government and businesses make changes that benefit not just those with disabilities but everyone in the community.
901 E. Mt. Hope Ave. Lansing, MI 48910 Voice: (517) 999-2760 TTY: TDD/TYY Relay:1-800-649-3777 Fax: (517) 999-2767 Email: dncapitalarea@dncap.org
The Center for Independent Living is part of a network of Wisconsin Independent Living Centers <http://www.meyer-creative.com/CILWW/wisconsin-independent-living-centers-2> that are non-residential, private, non-profit, consumer-controlled, community-based organizations providing services and advocacy by and for persons with all types of disabilities. Their goal is to assist individuals with disabilities to achieve their maximum potential within their families and communities. Our Mission is to advocate for and with persons with a disability to exercise their right to full participation in society.
2920 Schneider Avenue East Menomonie, Wisconsin 54751 Voice: (715) 233-1070 Toll free: (800) 228-3287 TTY: (715) 233-1070 Toll free: (800) 228-3287 Fax: (715) 233-1083 Email: cilww@cilww.com
The Center for Independent Living for Western Wisconsin (CILWW) advocates for the full participation in society of all persons with disabilities. Our goal is empowering individuals to exercise choices to maintain or increase their independence. Our strategy is providing consumer-driven services at no cost to persons with disabilities in Western Wisconsin.
2021 Cenex Drive Suite D Rice Lake, Wisconsin 54868 Voice: 715.736.1800 TTY: 715.736.1800 Fax: (715) 736-0265 Email: cilww@cilww.com
The Center for Independent Living of Mid-Michigan (the CIL) is dedicated to its mission of promoting and encouraging independence for all people with disabilities.
1705 S. Saginaw Rd. Midland, MI 48640 Voice: (989) 835-4041 Toll free: (800) 782-4160 Fax: (989) 835-8121 Email: info@cilmm.org
Assisting individuals with disabilities to
live independently, pursue meaningful goals,
and have equal opportunities and choices.
606 N.W. 5th Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Voice: (218) 824-5228 Fax: (218) 824-1421 Email: Don Brunette - dbrunette@accessnorth.net
Assisting individuals with disabilities to
live independently, pursue meaningful goals,
and have equal opportunities and choices.
20 Third Street NE Aitkin, MN 56431 Voice: (218) 429-0106 Fax: (218) 927-5624 Email: Don Brunette - dbrunette@accessnorth.net
Assisting individuals with disabilities to
live independently, pursue meaningful goals,
and have equal opportunities and choices.
118 E. Superior Street Duluth MN 55802 Voice: (218) 625-1400 Toll free: (888) 625-1401 Fax: (218) 625-1401 Email: Don Brunette - dbrunette@accessnorth.net
Assisting individuals with disabilities to
live independently, pursue meaningful goals,
and have equal opportunities and choices.
1309 East 40th Street Hibbing, MN 55746 Voice: (218) 262-6675 (800) 390-3681 TTY: (218)262-6675 Fax: (218)262-6677 Email: Don Brunette - dbrunette@accessnorth.net
Assisting individuals with disabilities to
live independently, pursue meaningful goals,
and have equal opportunities and choices.
P.O. Box 728 8245 Industrial Park Road, Suite B Walker, MN 56484-0728 Voice: (218)547-2810 Fax: (218)547-2812 Email: Don Brunette - dbrunette@accessnorth.net
Our Mission: The Center for Independent Living Options, Inc. (CILO) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that provides services for people with physical, sensory, cognitive, and/or psychological disabilities in Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. CILO was founded in 1977 by people with disabilities who desired a support system to help people with permanent disabilities reach their greatest potential and independence.
2368 Victory Parkway, Suite 501 Cincinnati, Ohio 45206 Voice: 513-241-2600 Fax: (513) 241-1707 Email: info@independencealliance.org
The mission of Disability Advocates of Kent County is to work alongside people with disabilities as they seek to lead self-directed lives and to advocate for accessible and welcoming communities.
160 68th St SW, Grand Rapids, MI 49548 Voice: (616)949-1100
Disability Network West Michigan is committed to accessibility, inclusion and diversity while being consumer directed and accountable. Our mission is to advocate, educate, empower and provide resources for persons with disabilities. We promote accessible communities, fulfilling our vision of ensuring that accessibility is an accepted civil right. Disability Network West Michigan provides independent living resources for people with disabilities in Muskegon, Oceana, Newaygo, Lake, and Mason Counties.
27 E. Clay Avenue Muskegon, MI 49442 Voice: (231) 722-0088 Toll free: (866) 322-4501 Fax: (231) 722-0066 Email: info@disabilitynetworkm.org
Disability Connection/West Michigan’s mission is to advocate, educate, empower and provide resources for persons with disabilities and promote accessible communities
907 State Street Suite 101 Hart, MI 49420
Disability Connection's Mission is: "To advocate, educate, empower, and provide resources for persons with disabilities and promote accessible communities."
5479 W. 72nd Street Ste. 400 Fremont, MI 49412 Voice: (231) 928-1004 Fax: (231) 924-4860 Email: dcilmi@dcilmi.org
The mission of The Disability Network is to promote freedom, choice, opportunity and equality for people with disabilities through advocacy, education and employment.
3600 S Dort Hwy. Ste. 54 Flint, MI 48507 Voice: (810) 742-1800 TTY: (810) 742-7647 Fax: (810) 742-2400
Disability Network/Michigan is a collaborative organization representing 15 Centers for Independent Living (CILs) throughout the state. We facilitate collective work among our members; resulting in a strong and essential statewide voice striving to meet the needs of the 1.9 million people in Michigan who have a disability.
Capital Area Lansing Location - 901 E. Mt. Hope Ave. Lansing, MI 48910 Voice: 517-999-2760 Fax: 517-999-2767
We serve people with disabilities and their families. We also work with schools, businesses, human service organizations, health agencies and a variety of community resources. We provide Information & Referral, Advocacy, Independent Living Skills, Peer Support, Nursing Facility Transition, Student Centered Transition, Empowerment Training, Assistive Technology Training, Assistance with Medicare, Independent Living Assessments, Accessibility Assessments for businesses, Disability Awareness trainings for businesses and True Colors Self-Awareness trainings for businesses. Our Mission Disability Network Oakland & Macomb is a Center for Independent Living. Independent Living changes attitudes, expands community options, removes barriers, and increases choice.DNOM is committed to supporting personal choice and independence for persons with disabilities.
1709 John R. Rd. Troy, Michigan 48083 Voice: (586) 268-4160 Toll free: (800) 284-2457 Fax: (586) 285-9942 Email: info@dnom.org
We provide services to people with a variety of disabilities, including physical, neurological, psychiatric, learning, cognitive, and sensory disabilities. Whether you were born with a disability or acquired a disability later in life through accident, illness or through the aging process, you are welcome here. We are a resource for friends and family members of people with disabilities as well as community professionals and other human service providers.We provide services to local units of government and the business and non-profit communities by providing information, training, technical assistance and support in learning to be welcoming of people with disabilities as customers, clients, patrons, volunteers, or employees.
517 E. Crosstown Parkway Kalamazoo, MI 49001 Voice: (269)345-1516 Toll free: (877) 674-5209 Fax: (269) 345-0229
The Disability Statistics Center produces and disseminates policy-relevant statistical information on the demographics and status of people with disabilities in American society. The Center's work focuses on how that status is changing over time with regard to employment, access to technology, health care, community-based services, and other aspects of independent living and participation in society. The Center is based at the Institute for Health and Aging at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). It receives funding from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR).
University of California, San Francisco 500 Parnassus Ave San Francisco, CA 94143 Voice: (415) 476-7700
Everybody Counts’ mission is to empower people with
disabilities through information and assistance to work in
collaboration with others in order to ensure the provision of adequate
and appropriate opportunities for inclusion into society, to develop
programs and services identified by people with disabilities as being
necessary and appropriate, and to increase community options for
independent living through outreach, awareness activities, education
and advocacy.Everybody Counts Inc. also serves Hammond, IN.
9120 Connecticut Dr, Suite E Merrillville, IN 46410, USA Voice: (219) 769-5055 TTY: (219) 756-3323 Email: info@everybodycounts.org
The mission of the Fairfield Center for disAbilities and Cerebral Palsy, Inc. is to create a better future for people with a disability by increasing and enhancing their lifestyle opportunities
Fairfield Center for Disabilities and Cerebral Palsy 681 E. Sixth Avenue Lancaster, Ohio 43130 Voice: (740)653-5501 (740)653-6046 Email: fcdcp@sbcglobal.net
Provide services that increase independence for people with disabilities.
125 West Lincoln Suite 1 Fergus Falls, MN 56537 Voice: (218) 998-1799 Fax: (218) 998-1798 Email: freedom@freedomrc.org
To provide access to services and conduct activities to ensure that people with special needs and their families are empowered to make personal acceptable options, which lead to the greatest quality of life. Future Choices, Inc. was inspired by a passion to create opportunities for minorities and people with disabilities to enjoy a full-fledged life of independence in an integrated and safe community. This passion was soon translated into action when Mrs. Beth Y. Quarles and others identified some critical needs among minorities and people with special needs and disabilities, such as an inclusive, accessible, affordable and safe housing; community education and outreach program, healthy life style among minorities, youth, and people with disabilities and their families.
905 S Walnut St, Muncie, IN 47305 Voice: (765) 741-8332 Toll free: (866) 741-3444 Video Phone: 765-273-5662 Email: info@futurechoices.org
The purpose of INCIL is to facilitate the collaboration of all Centers for Independent Living in Illinois for promoting, through the Independent Living Movement, equal opportunities and civil rights for all persons with disabilities.
828 S 2nd St Suite 301, Springfield, IL 62704 Voice: (217) 525-1308 Toll Free: 1-800-587-1227 Fax: (217) 525-1312
The mission of the Illinois Valley Center for Independent Living is to enlighten persons with disabilities and their families about their rights; to empower persons with disabilities to assume maximum responsibility to realize their potentials; and to enrich the lives of all in Bureau, LaSalle, Marshall, Putnam, and Stark counties by working toward full inclusion of each individual in our communities.
1 Les Buzz WAy Spring Valley, IL 61362 Voice: (815) 224-3126 Email: sstasik@ivcil.com
The mission of IICIL is to create and maintain independence options for people with disabilities by advocating for civil rights, providing services, and promoting full participation of disabled individuals in all aspects of the community. The Illinois/Iowa Center for Independent Living is a non-residential, non-profit organization founded in 1987 to serve people with disabilities. The majority of people on our staff and Board of Directors have disabilities. The IICIL is dedicated to the belief that regardless of the disability, all persons have the right and responsibility to make choices about their own lives and experience success as an active participants in society.
501 11th St., PO Box 6156, Rock Island, IL 61231 Voice: (309) 793-0090 (877) 541-2505 TTY: Toll free V/TTY: (855) 744-8918 Fax: (309) 283-0097 Email: iicil@iicil.com
Our mission is to “promote pride and respect of people with disabilities by sharing the tools that are necessary to take control of one's own life. IMPACT advocates full community participation of all citizens.”
2735 E. Broadway Alton, IL 62002 Voice: (618) 462-1411 (888) 616-4261 TTY: (618) 474-5333 Fax: (618) 474-5309 Email: staff@impactcil.org
Our agency mission is to effectively facilitate empowerment of individuals with disabilities through: Education, Advocacy, Independent Living Services, and Coalition Building. We promote diversity and multicultural participation in our operation and services. The four “core” services offered are: independent living skills training, peer counseling, advocacy, and information and referral services to persons with disabilities in the counties of Waukesha, Washington, Ozaukee, and Milwaukee. IndependenceFirst provides services to persons with disabilities of ALL kinds, throughout ALL age groups.
2607 N Grandview Blvd #100 Waukesha, WI 53188 Voice: 414-731-7834
Our agency mission is to effectively facilitate empowerment of individuals with disabilities through: Education, Advocacy, Independent Living Services, and Coalition Building. We promote diversity and multicultural participation in our operation and services. The four “core” services offered are: independent living skills training, peer counseling, advocacy, and information and referral services to persons with disabilities in the counties of Waukesha, Washington, Ozaukee, and Milwaukee. IndependenceFirst provides services to persons with disabilities of ALL kinds, throughout ALL age groups.
540 South 1st Street Milwaukee, WI 53204-1516 Voice: (414) 291-7520 TTY: (414) 291-7520 Fax: (414) 291-7525
Our agency mission is to effectively facilitate empowerment of individuals with disabilities through: Education, Advocacy, Independent Living Services, and Coalition Building. We promote diversity and multicultural participation in our operation and services. The four “core” services offered are: independent living skills training, peer counseling, advocacy, and information and referral services to persons with disabilities in the counties of Waukesha, Washington, Ozaukee, and Milwaukee. IndependenceFirst provides services to persons with disabilities of ALL kinds, throughout ALL age groups.
Workforce Development, Inc. 892 Main Street Pewaukee, WI 53072 Voice: 414-731-7834
Independent Lifestyles Provides four core services in the following nine county area: Stearns, Benton, Sherburne, Meeker, Morrison, Mille Lacs, Kandiyohi, Wright and Isanti. Core services: Independent Living Skills; Information and Referral; Advocacy; Peer Mentoring.
107- 2nd Street Southeast Suite 104 Little Falls, MN 56345 Voice: (320) 631-0713
Independent Lifestyles Provides four core services in the following nine county area: Stearns, Benton, Sherburne, Meeker, Morrison, Mille Lacs, Kandiyohi, Wright and Isanti. Core services: Independent Living Skills; Information and Referral; Advocacy; Peer Mentoring.
215 North Benton Drive Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 Voice: (320) 529-9000 Toll free: (888) 529-0743 Fax: (320) 529-0747 Email: ilicil@independentlifestyles.org
Independent Lifestyles Provides four core services in the following nine county area: Stearns, Benton, Sherburne, Meeker, Morrison, Mille Lacs, Kandiyohi, Wright and Isanti. Core services: Independent Living Skills; Information and Referral; Advocacy; Peer Mentoring.
670 Humboldt Dr Suite G Big Lake, MN 55309 Voice: (763) 227-8738
It is the mission of the Independent Living Center of Eastern Indiana to empower persons with disabilities.
2519 E Main St, Suite 203 Richmond IN, 47374 Voice: (765) 939-9226 Toll free: (877) 939-9226
Our Mission is: The Independent Living Center of North Central Ohio is a non-residential agency offering services for individuals with disabilities that will allow them to remain active and independent within their homes and communities.
2230 Village Mall Drive Mansfield, OH 44906 Voice: (419) 526-6770 Fax: (419) 526-6870 Email: ilcnco@yahoo.com
Our Mission is: To offer services for Individuals with disabilities that will allow them to remain active and independent within their homes and communities. We do this by providing Information and Referral, Advocacy, Peer Support and Independent Living Skills Training. The also provides Educational Programs (Power to Change). Recreational and Socialization (Y-membership, youth soccer, basketball and golf).
2230 Village Mall Drive Suite 200, Mansfield, Ohio 44906 Voice: (419) 526-6770 Fax: (419) 526-6870
Our Vision: Full inclusion of people with disabilities in society. Our Mission: The ILCW, Inc. promotes self determination and full inclusion of people
with disabilities in Wisconsin. We educate and advocate for policies, resources, practices, and attitudes
that support independent living. We provide and support independent living philosophy and services to maximize the leadership,empowerment, and productivity of individual with disabilities in order that each
will live and participate in their community of choice.
3810 Milwaukee St., Madison, WI 53714 Voice: (608) 575-9293 Email: ILCWinfo@gmail.com
Mission: The Independent Living Institute (ILI) is a policy development center specializing in consumer-driven policies for disabled peoples' freedom of choice, self-determination, self-respect and dignity. Our ultimate goal is to promote disabled people’s personal and political power. Towards this end we provide information, training materials and develop solutions for services for persons with extensive disabilities in Sweden and internationally. We are experts in designing and implementing direct payment schemes for personal assistance, mainstream taxi and assistive technology.
Independent Living Institute Storforsplan 36, 10 tr 123 47 Farsta,Sweden Voice: 08-506 22 179 Email: info@independentliving.org
The ILRU (Independent Living Research Utilization) program is a national center for information, training, research, and technical assistance in independent living. Its goal is to expand the body of knowledge in independent living and to improve utilization of results of research programs and demonstration projects in this field. It is a program of TIRR (The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research), a nationally recognized medical rehabilitation facility for persons with disabilities.
ILRU TIRR Memorial Hermann Research Center 1333 Moursund Houston, TX 77030 Voice: (713) 520-0232 TTY: (713) 520-0232 Fax: (713) 520-5785 Email: ilru@ilru.org
Our Mission: Independent Living Resources is committed to community diversity through advocacy, choice and education resulting in empowerment for individuals with disabilities. Who We Serve: Independent Living Resources will provide services to persons with any disability of any age within our service area. Most services have no eligibility requirements and are available at no cost to the consumer. Examples of disabilities served are as follows: Mental illness; Developmental/cognitive; Physical; Learning disability; Brain injury; Stroke and cancer survivors; Respiratory; Environmental sensitivity; HIV/AIDS; Deaf; Blind; Low vision; Hard of hearing. (This list is not all-inclusive).
4439 Mormon Coulee Road La Crosse, WI 54601 Voice: (608) 787-1111 (888) 474-5745 TTY: (608) 787-1148 (888) 378-2198 Fax: (608) 787-1114 Email: advocacy@ilresources.org
Our Mission: Independent Living Resources is committed to community diversity through advocacy, choice and education resulting in empowerment for individuals with disabilities. Who We Serve: Independent Living Resources will provide services to persons with any disability of any age within our service area. Most services have no eligibility requirements and are available at no cost to the consumer. Examples of disabilities served are as follows: Mental illness; Developmental/cognitive; Physical; Learning disability; Brain injury; Stroke and cancer survivors; Respiratory; Environmental sensitivity; HIV/AIDS; Deaf; Blind; Low vision; Hard of hearing. (This list is not all-inclusive).
1313 W. Seminary Street, Richland Center, WI 53581 Hours: M – F By Appointment Only Voice: (608)-647-8053 Toll Free: 888-474-5745 Email: advocacy@ilresources.org
IndiGo provides a wide variety of Services and Programs to people with all disabilities and all ages in Ashland, Bayfield, Burnett, Douglas, Iron, Price, Sawyer and Washburn Counties. Services include: Information and Referral; Independent Living Skills Training; Advocacy; Technology; Public Education; Peer Support; Accessibility; Benefits Counseling; Transportation Project; Transportation and Assistive Technology support; Voucher program; Integrated employment; Personal Care; Transition Services.
http://indigowi.org 2911 Tower Ave., Suite 9 Superior, WI 5488 Voice: 1 (800) 924-1220 (V/7-1-1 Relay) TTY: (715) 392-9118 (V/7-1-1 Relay) Fax: (715) 392- 4636 Email: info@indigowi.org
JACIL is committed to enabling persons with disabilities to gain effective control and direction of their own lives in the home, in the workplace and in the community. The JACIL goal is to stimulate and promote a growing sense of personal dignity through individualized programs designed to provide the tools necessary for maximum independence and community participation.
15 Permac Road, Jacksonville, IL 62650 Voice: (217) 245-8371 (888) 317-3287 TTY: (217) 245-8371 Fax: (217) 245-1872 Email: info@jacil.org
Lake County Center for Independent Living (LCCIL) is a non-residential, cross-disability organization governed and staffed by a majority of people with disabilities. We advocate for a fully accessible society that is inclusive of everyone. LCCIL believes that the disability community must have the freedom and opportunity to control our own lives.
377 N. Seymour Avenue Mundelein, IL 60060 Voice: (847) 388-0776 TTY: (847) 949-0641 Video Phone (847) 388-0776 Fax: (847) 949-4445 Email: info@lccil.org
Mission: "To connect people with disabilities to resources and opportunities while building communities where everyone can participate, contribute and belong."
Our staff provides information, referrals, and support to people with a wide variety of disabilities. We also work on a larger scale, helping governments, businesses, and other organizations make changes that improve life for everyone in the community.
Disability Network/Lakeshore 442 Century Lane Holland, MI 49423 Voice: (616) 396-5326 Toll free: (800) 656-5245 TTY: (616) 396-5326 Fax: (616) 396-3220 Email: info@dnlakeshore.org
The League’s mission is to provide and promote opportunities that empower people with disabilities to achieve their potential.
5821 S. Anthony Blvd. Fort Wayne IN 46816 Voice: (260) 441-0551 Toll free: (800) 889-3443 Video Phone for Deaf and Hard of Hearing: (260) 440-3013 TTY: (260) 441-0551 DeafLink Emergency Pager: (260) 481-8153 Fax: (260) 441-7760 Email: the-league@the-league.org
Consumer-directed to ensure a society of equal opportunity for all persons, regardless of disability.
LEAP's Cleveland Office: 2545 Lorain Ave. Cleveland, OH 44113 Voice: (216) 696-2716 TTY: (216) 696-2716 Fax: (216) 687-1453
LIFE Center for Independent Living advances equality and integration of all persons with disabilities. To achieve this mission, we: promote local, state and national advocacy; educate persons with disabilities about their rights and responsibilities; provide support services; raise community awareness about disability issues.
2201 Eastland Drive, Suite 1 Bloomington, IL 61704 Voice: (309) 663-5433 Toll-Free: (888) 543-3245 Fax: (309) 663-7024 Email: info@lccil.org
LIFE Center for Independent Living advances equality and integration of all persons with disabilities. To achieve this mission, we: promote local, state and national advocacy; educate persons with disabilities about their rights and responsibilities; provide support services; raise community awareness about disability issues.
601 North Ladd Street Pontiac, IL 61764 Voice: (815) 844-1132 TTY: (815) 844-1132 Fax: (815) 844-1148 Email: lifecil@lifecil.org
MCIL is dedicated to the full promotion of the Independent Living (IL) philosophy by supporting individuals with disabilities in their personal efforts to pursue self-directed lives...MCIL lives by the IL philosophy by providing a variety of core services including: Information and Referral; Independent Living Skills Training; Peer Mentorship; Advocacy: Systemic and Individual. Specific programs MCIL provides consumers with include: Housing Referral Services; Transition program for children and young adults with disabilities; Consumer directed Personal Attendant Services program; Deaf IL program targeting services to individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing; Ramp Project: Internationally recognized and award winning; Disability Linkage line: Information, referral and assistance call center; Nursing Home Relocation: Assisting people in relocationg from nursing homes and institutional settings.
530 North Robert Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Voice: (651)646-8342
The Mid-Ohio Board for an Independent Living Environment ( MOBILE) is a non-profit Center for Independent Living directed by persons with disabilities. MOBILE was founded on principles that affirm the right of persons with disabilities to live their lives with a full measure of liberty and human dignity.
690 S. High Street Columbus, OH 43206 Voice: (614)443-5936 TTY: (614)443-5957 Fax: (614)443-5954 Email: info@mobileonline.org
Link to facebook - https://www.facebook.com/p/Mobile-Center-for-Independent-Living-100067756834503/?_rdr
Link to facebook - https://www.facebook.com/p/Mobile-Center-for-Independent-Living-100067756834503/?_rdr
MILC is a public non-profit agency serving persons with disabilities of all ages. MILC is operated by staff and board composed primarily of people with disabilities.
MILC services are consumer directed working together with staff to meet goals. MILC staff provides information, training and support to assist people with disabilities in making an informed decision on their disability-related needs. Services are consumer directed. The individual decides which services they wish to participate in and work with staff to establish goals and determine steps to meet those goals.
MILC offers these services: Information and Referral, Advocacy, Independent Living Skills Training, Peer Support, Assistive Technology, Architectural Accessibility, Community Education, Recreational, Benefits Counseling and Employment Services.
3262 Church Street, Suite 1 Stevens Point, WI 54481 Voice: (715) 344-4210 (800) 382-8484 TTY: (715) 344-4210 (800) 382-8484 Fax: (715) 344-4414 Email: milc@milc-inc.org
The Minnesota Association of Centers for Independent Living (MACIL) is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to advocate for the independent living needs of people with disabilities who are citizens of the State of Minnesota, to develop new resources, identify and provide access to existing resources which provide the services needed by persons with disabilities so that they may live independently in the situation and community of their choice.
2200 Second St., SW Rochester, MN 55902 Voice: 507-285-1815 Email: dbrunette@accessnorth.net
NCIL advances independent living and the rights of people with disabilities. The National Council on Independent Living is the longest-running national cross-disability, grassroots organization run by and for people with disabilities. Founded in 1982, NCIL represents thousands of organizations and individuals including: individuals with disabilities, Centers for Independent Living (CILs), Statewide Independent Living Councils (SILCs), and other organizations that advocate for the human and civil rights of people with disabilities throughout the United States.
2013 H St. NW 6th Floor Washington, D.C. 20006 Voice: (202) 207-0334 Toll free:1-844-778-7961 TTY: (202) 207-0340 Fax: (202) 207-0341
Our staff provides information, referrals, and support to people with a wide variety of disabilities. We also work on a larger scale, helping governments, businesses, and other organizations make changes that improve life for everyone in the community.
415 East Eighth Street Traverse City, MI 49686 Voice: (231) 922-0903 Toll free: (866)869-8600 TTY: (231) 922-2359 Fax: (231) 922-2597 Email: bnewhouse@charterinternet.com
The Northwestern Illinois Center for Independent Living is a community-based, non-residential organization, dedicated to enhancing the options available to people with disabilities so they may choose and maintain individualized and satisfying lifestyles. To fulfill this mission, NICIL offers direct services to individuals, combined with advocacy for social change, to allow greater integration of persons with disabilities to live independently within their respective communities .
412 Locust Sterling, IL 61081 Voice: (815)625-7860 (888)886-4245 TTY: (815)625-7863 (888)776-4245
To empower persons with disabilities to increase their opportunities to access all aspects of community life.
1725 College Avenue Carmi, Illinois 62821 Voice: (618) 382-7300 (800) 898-3130 TTY: (618) 382-7300 (800) 898-3130 Fax: (618) 382-7301
To empower persons with disabilities to increase their opportunities to access all aspects of community life.
102 Greenview Drive Effingham, Illinois 62401 Voice: (217) 342-5521 (800) 810-3184 TTY: (217) 342-5521 (800) 810-3184 Fax: (217) 342-5523
To empower persons with disabilities to increase their opportunities to access all aspects of community life.
4206 Williamson Place, Suite 3 Mt. Vernon, IL. 62864 Voice: (618) 244-9212 TTY: (618) 244-9575 Fax: (618) 244-9310 Email: spud@ofacil.org
Options is guided by the independent living philosophy that people with disabilities have the right to control and direct their own lives, to have choices and options, and to actively participate in all aspects of society. Options works to dispel myths, stereotypes, and misconceptions about people with disabilities. We also work to encourage people in the community to become more aware of disability-related issues and concerns. As one of 22 centers for independent living throughout the state of Illinois, we work to: help people stay in their own homes and out of institutions, thereby maintaining independence and saving state money change the status of people with disabilities from unemployed to employed help people with disabilities achieve and/or maintain self-sufficiency and productive lives in our communities help make our community more physically and attitudinally accessible for people with disabilities.
130 Laird Lane, Suite 103 Watseka, IL 60970 Voice: (815) 432-1332 TTY: (815) 432-1361 Fax: (815) 432-1360 Email: options@optionscil.com
Options is guided by the independent living philosophy that people with disabilities have the right to control and direct their own lives, to have choices and options, and to actively participate in all aspects of society. Options works to dispel myths, stereotypes, and misconceptions about people with disabilities. We also work to encourage people in the community to become more aware of disability-related issues and concerns. As one of 22 centers for independent living throughout the state of Illinois, we work to: help people stay in their own homes and out of institutions, thereby maintaining independence and saving state money change the status of people with disabilities from unemployed to employed help people with disabilities achieve and/or maintain self-sufficiency and productive lives in our communities help make our community more physically and attitudinally accessible for people with disabilities.
22 Heritage Drive, Suite 107 Bourbonnais, IL 60914 Voice: (815) 936-0100 TTY: (815) 936-0132 Fax: (815) 936-0117 Email: options@optionscil.com
As part of the independent living philosophy of consumer directed services, our staff will provide information so consumers can make informed choices and achieve their objectives. Services offered: Advocacy; Peer Support; Information and Referral; Independent Living Skills. The following services were developed in response to defined consumer and community needs. Fees are charged on several services: Assistive Technology; Benefits Counseling; Community Education; Computer Assessment; Equipment Loan; Equipment Try-out; HOME Program; Options LEND Closet; Residential Assessment; Telework; WisLoan; Worksite Assessment.
2331 E Lourdes Drive, Room 208, Appleton, Wisconsin 54914 Voice: (920) 997-9999 Fax: (920) 997-9381 Email: info@optionsil.com
As part of the independent living philosophy of consumer directed services, our staff will provide information so consumers can make informed choices and achieve their objectives. Services offered: Advocacy; Peer Support; Information and Referral; Independent Living Skills. The following services were developed in response to defined consumer and community needs. Fees are charged on several services: Assistive Technology; Benefits Counseling; Community Education; Computer Assessment; Equipment Loan; Equipment Try-out; HOME Program; Options LEND Closet; Residential Assessment; Telework; WisLoan; Worksite Assessment.
555 Country Club Road Green Bay, Wisconsin 54307 Voice: (920) 490-0500 Toll free: (888) 465-1515 TTY: (920) 490-0600 Fax: (920) 490-0700 Email: info@optionsil.com
Options: Interstate Resource Center for Independent Living (IRCIL) is a Resource Center for Independent Living. We are a private, nonprofit center that provides services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities. We are funded by various State and Federal grants, as well as private donations. We are a consumer-controlled, community-based, cross-disability, non-residential center that is designed and operated within a local community by individuals with disabilities and provide an array of independent living services . Our services are free of charge to individuals requesting them. We serve counties in Northeast North Dakota and Northwest Minnesota.
318 Third Street NW East Grand Forks, MN 56721 Voice: (218) 773-6100 Toll free: (800) 726-3692 TTY: (218) 773-6100 Fax: (218) 773-7119 Email: options@myoptions.inf
We provide services, which assist people with disabilities in achieving or maintaining independence. People with disabilities direct our services in that our board and staff are mandated to be at least 51% people with disabilities. Our goal is full participation in society for persons with disabilities.
301 S. Vine Suite 211 Urbana, Illinois 61801 Voice: (217) 344-5433 Video P: 217-689-0289 Fax: (217) 344-2414 Email: info@pacecil.org
Progress Center is the Center for Independent Living that serves Suburban Cook County. Progress Center works to provide people with all types of disabilities the tools and resources to be independent in their own homes. Progress Center is one of 22 centers serving Illinois. Progress Center is a community-based, non-profit, non-residential service and advocacy organization, proudly operated for people with disabilities, by people with disabilities.
12940 S. Western Ave., Blue Island, IL. 60406 Voice: (708) 388-5011 TTY: (708) 389-8250 Fax: (708) 388-5016 Email: info@progresscil.org
Progress Center is the Center for Independent Living that serves Suburban Cook County. Progress Center works to provide people with all types of disabilities the tools and resources to be independent in their own homes. Progress Center is one of 22 centers serving Illinois. Progress Center is a community-based, non-profit, non-residential service and advocacy organization, proudly operated for people with disabilities, by people with disabilities.
7521 Madison Street Forest Park, IL 60130 Voice: (708) 209-1500 TTY: (708) 209-1826 Fax: (708) 209-1735 Email: info@progresscil.org
RAMP is a group of determined and caring individuals prepared to arm consumers with the tools and expectations necessary for them to guide their life now and in the future. A person with a disability who learns to navigate through daily activities in concert with their disability is free to pursue all possibilities of life. We advocate for and serve Boone, DeKalb, Stephenson and Winnebago Counties from four offices.
202 Market Street | Rockford, Illinois 61107 Voice: (815) 968-7467 (815) 968-7612
RAMP is a group of determined and caring individuals prepared to arm consumers with the tools and expectations necessary for them to guide their life now and in the future. A person with a disability who learns to navigate through daily activities in concert with their disability is free to pursue all possibilities of life. We advocate for and serve Boone, DeKalb, Stephenson and Winnebago Counties from four offices.
115 N First Street DeKalb, Illinois 60115 Voice: (815) 756-3202 TTY: (815) 756-4263 Fax: (815) 756-3556
Our mission is to promote an accessible society that allows and expects full participation by people with disabilities. We advocate for and serve Boone, DeKalb, Stephenson and Winnebago Counties from four offices.
2155 W Galena Avenue Freeport, Illinois 61032 Voice: (815) 233-1128 TTY: (815) 233-1128 Fax: (815) 233-0743
Our mission is to promote an accessible society that allows and expects full participation by people with disabilities. We advocate for and serve Boone, DeKalb, Stephenson and Winnebago Counties from four offices.
202 Market Street Rockford, Illinois 61107 Voice: (815) 968-7467 TTY: (815) 968-2401 Fax: (815) 968-7612
To empower persons with disabilities to lead inclusive lives through advocacy, community engagement, and self-directed services.
800 Sharon Dr., Suite C Westlake, OH 44145 Voice: (216) 731-1529 Fax: (216) 731-3083 7.1.1 Ohio Relay Service
Society for Equal Access Independent Living Center has been in operation since 1998. We are a consumer controlled, cross disability, private not-for-profit organization operated by individuals with disabilities for individuals with disabilities. Society for Equal Access currently provides services to residents of Belmont, Carroll, Coshocton, Guernsey, Harrison, Holmes, Jefferson and Tuscarawas counties in Ohio. Our mission to assist individuals to become more independent within our community
22 Bank Lane, Dover OH 44622 Voice: (330) 343-9292
To ensure the rights of all persons with disabilities to live and function as independently as possible in the community of their choice, through supporting individuals' efforts to achieve control over their lives and become integrated into community life.
615 E. Geneva Street Elkhorn, WI 53121-2301 Voice: (262) 723-8181 (800) 261-8181 TTY: (866) 840-9763 Fax: (262) 723-8184
Society's Assets is an Independent Living Center, providing comprehensive services to assist people with living independently. Society's Assets provides assistance to seniors and people of all ages with disabilities. A skilled and experienced staff offer consumers comprehensive in-home services. Established in 1974, Society’s Assets is a non-profit organization that provides a full range of affordable independent living services. Services can range from simple, weekly household tasks to personal care to full participation in community life. We have 1,400 well-trained, qualified staff members already providing comprehensive in-home services to thousands of people across five counties in southeastern Wisconsin.
5455 Sheridan Road, Suite 101 Kenosha, WI 53140-4103 Voice: (262) 657-3999 (800) 317-3999 TTY: (866) 840-9762 Fax: (262) 657-1672
Society's Assets is an Independent Living Center, providing comprehensive services to assist people with living independently. Society's Assets provides assistance to seniors and people of all ages with disabilities. A skilled and experienced staff offer consumers comprehensive in-home services. Established in 1974, Society’s Assets is a non-profit organization that provides a full range of affordable independent living services. Services can range from simple, weekly household tasks to personal care to full participation in community life. We have 1,400 well-trained, qualified staff members already providing comprehensive in-home services to thousands of people across five counties in southeastern Wisconsin.
5200 Washington Ave., 225 Racine, WI 53406-4238 Voice: (262) 637-9128 (800) 378-9128 TTY: (866) 840-9761 Fax: (262) 637-8646
The Southeastern Minnesota Center for Independent Living, Inc. which was founded in 1981, is a non profit organization that assists people with disabilities to become independent and productive community members. Our Independent Living and Personal Care Assistant Programs promote self-sufficiency and help assure that persons with a disability have the same opportunities as members of the general public. SEMCIL is located in Rochester, MN and has offices in Goodhue and Winona Counties.
2200 Second Street SW Rochester, MN 55902 Voice: (507) 285-1815 Email: semcil@semcil.org
The Southeastern Minnesota Center for Independent Living, Inc. which was founded in 1981, is a non profit organization that assists people with disabilities to become independent and productive community members. Our Independent Living and Personal Care Assistant Programs promote self-sufficiency and help assure that persons with a disability have the same opportunities as members of the general public. SEMCIL is located in Rochester, MN and has offices in Goodhue and Winona Counties.
902 East Second Street, Suite 311 Winona, MN 55987 Voice: (507) 452-5490 Toll free (888) 452-5490 Fax: (507) 454-4226 Email: semcil@semcil.org
SOCIL is a non-profit, non-residential organization which assists people with significant disabilities who want to live more independently. They assist people of all ages with all types of disabilities. Serving Fairfield and Hocking Counties, Ohio
418 South Broad Street Lancaster, Ohio 43130 Voice: (740)689-1494 Toll free: (888)957-6245 TTY: (740)689-1494 Fax: (740)689-1455
SOCIL is a non-profit, non-residential organization which assists people with significant disabilities who want to live more independently. They assist people of all ages with all types of disabilities. Serving Fairfield and Hocking Counties, Ohio
96 W. Hunter Street Logan, Ohio 43138 Voice: 740-689-1494
As part of the Illinois and the National Independent Living Movements, the
Southern Illinois Center for Independent Living is dedicated to the belief that
persons with disabilities have the right and responsibility to make choices, to
control the direction of their lives, and to participate fully and equally in their
2135 West Ramada Lane Carbondale, Illinois 62901 Voice: (618) 457-3318 TTY: (618) 457-3318
As part of the Illinois and the National Independent Living Movements, the
Southern Illinois Center for Independent Living is dedicated to the belief that
persons with disabilities have the right and responsibility to make choices, to
control the direction of their lives, and to participate fully and equally in their
325 E Poplar Harrisburg, Illinois 62946
The Southern Indiana Center for Independent Living (SICIL) is a consumer-controlled, community based, cross disability, non-residential and not-for-profit organization that promotes and practices the philosophy of independent living. Counties Served:
Bartholomew, Brown, Crawford, Jackson, Lawrence, Monroe, Orange, Washington
1490 West Main Street Mitchell, IN 47446 Voice: (812) 277-9626 Toll free: (800) 845-6914 TTY: (812) 277-9626 Fax: (812) 849-6002 Email: info@sicilindiana.org
Mission: SMILES Center for Independent Living is a nonprofit organization committed to providing a wide array of services that assist individuals with disabilities that live independently, pursue meaningful goals, and enjoy the same opportunities and choices as all persons.
301 Downtown Plaza # 3 Fairmont, MN 56031 Voice: (507) 235-3488 Fax: (507) 235-3488
Mission: SMILES Center for Independent Living is a nonprofit organization committed to providing a wide array of services that assist individuals with disabilities that live independently, pursue meaningful goals, and enjoy the same opportunities and choices as all persons.
709 South Front Street, Suite 7 Mankato, Minnesota 56001-3804 Voice: (507) 345-7139 Toll free (888) 676-6498 TTY: (507) 345-7139 Fax: (507) 345-8429 Email: smiles@smilescil.org
Mission: SMILES Center for Independent Living is a nonprofit organization committed to providing a wide array of services that assist individuals with disabilities that live independently, pursue meaningful goals, and enjoy the same opportunities and choices as all persons.
299 JOhnson Ave., Suite 130 Waseca, MN 56093 Voice: 507-310-0266 Fax: 507-310-0267
The Southwestern Center for Independent Living (SWCIL) is a private, non-profit, consumer controlled, non-residential, community based organization whose direction is determined by and for people with disabilities. Emphasis is placed on improving the quality of life for all people with disabilities who live in southwestern Minnesota.
109 South Fifth Street, Suite 700 Marshall, MN 56258 Voice: (507) 532-2221 Toll free (800) 422-1485 TTY: (507) 532-2221 Toll free (800) 422-1485 Fax: (507) 532-2222 Email: swcil@swcil.com
As an advocacy agency, Soyland Access to Independent Living (SAIL) is a community-based, non-residential Center for Independent Living (CIL). Its purpose is to promote and practice independent living for all people with disabilities.
The organization strives to encourage and assist people with disabilities to gain effective control of their lives by participation in all aspects of society to their fullest extent possible, especially in performing routine daily activities.
The organization promotes personal dignity of people with disabilities and develops community awareness by providing training, direct services and information.
1670 S. Taylorville Road, Decatur, IL 62521 Voice: (217) 876-8888 V/TTY Toll-free: 1-800-358-8080 V/TTY Fax: (217) 876-SAIL (7245) Email: sail@decatursail.com
SAIL serves people with disabilities, their families and communities in Macon, Moultrie, Shelby, Coles, Clark and Cumberland counties. In October 1992, SAIL, the state's 20th Center for Independent Living, CIL, opened in Macon County. There are currently twenty-two centers serving the State of Illinois. The programs and services provided by SAIL work to achieve its mission, promoting independent living for all people with disabilities. The organization strives to encourage and assist people with disabilities in gaining effective control of their lives by participating in all aspects of society to the fullest extent possible, especially in performing routine daily activities. The organization promotes personal dignity of people with disabilities and develops community awareness by providing disability awareness training, direct services and information.
1604 W. Main Street, Suite 100 Shelbyville, IL 62565 Voice: (217) 774-4322 TTY: (217) 774-4322 Fax: (217) 774-4368 Email: sailsel@consolidated.net
As an advocacy agency, Soyland Access to Independent Living (SAIL) is a community-based, non-residential Center for Independent Living (CIL). Its purpose is to promote and practice independent living for all people with disabilities.
The organization strives to encourage and assist people with disabilities to gain effective control of their lives by participation in all aspects of society to their fullest extent possible, especially in performing routine daily activities.
The organization promotes personal dignity of people with disabilities and develops community awareness by providing training, direct services and information.
707 Windsor Road, Suite B Charleston, IL 61920 Voice: (217) 345-7245 TTY: (217) 345-7245 Fax: (217) 345-7226 Email: triplec@consolidated.net
SCIL's Mission: To increase opportunities for equality, integration and independence for all persons with disabilities through advocacy, services, and public education. SCIL’s 4 Core Services: Information and Referral; Independent Living Skills Training; Peer Counseling; Advocacy (Individual and Systemic).
330 South Grand Avenue West Springfield, IL 62704 Voice: (217) 523-2587 (800) 841-6167 (800) 447-4221 TTY: (217) 523-2587 (800) 841-6167 Fax: (217) 523-0427 Email: scil@scil.org
Our Mission - To provide leadership, research, planning and education required to support independent living services in Illinois. We achieve our mission by: Identifying and reaching out to persons currently un-served and underserved by Centers for Independent Living; Increasing awareness of independent living services and the independent living philosophy; Helping existing CILs to better serve persons with disabilities; and Promoting the development of new CILs.
828 S 2nd St Suite 301 Springfield, IL 62704 Voice: (217) 744-7777 Email: tara@silcofillinois.org
39 North Prairie Street Galesburg , IL 61401 Voice: (309) 344-1306 TTY: (309) 344-1269 Fax: (309) 344-1305
SAIL promotes the inclusion of people with disabilities into our communities on a full and equal basis through empowerment, education, participation and choice.
1025 W. Washington Street Suite C, Marquette, MI 49855 Voice: (906) 228-5744 Email: info@upsail.org
Tri-County's mission is to empower citizens with disabilities to be in charge of their lives and participate as members of their communities. Through our collective strength, we advocate for the elimination of societal barriers and strive to achieve community accessibility and acceptance.
520 S Main ST Suite 2501 Akron, OH 4431 Voice: (330) 762-0007 TTY: Ohio Relay Dial 711 Fax: (330) 762-7416 Email: info@tcilc.org
To empower people with disabilities to ensure that they have full and complete access to community resources to promote their independence.
1 Dreiser Square, Terre Haute, Indiana 47807 Voice: (812) 298-9455 TTY: Toll Free: (877)915-9455 Fax: (812)299-9061 Email: info@thewillcenter.org
The mission of the Center is to promote, increase and improve opportunities for independent living and lifestyle for persons with disabilities within the six-county service area: the counties of Adams, Brown, Hancock, Pike, McDonough, and Schuyler.
509 N Lafayette Macomb, IL 61455 Voice: 309-833-5766 Fax: (309) 833-4690
The mission of the Center is to promote, increase and improve opportunities for independent living and lifestyle for persons with disabilities within the six-county service area: the counties of Adams, Brown, Hancock, Pike, McDonough, and Schuyler.
639 York St., Suite 204 Quincy, Illinois 62301-1065 Voice: (217)223-0400 (800)225-0407 TTY: (217)223-0475 Fax: (217)223-0479 Email: cilpd@adams.net
As people with disabilities and their advocates, the Will-Grundy Center for Independent Living strives for equality and empowerment of persons with disabilities in the Will and Grundy County areas.The Will-Grundy Center for Independent Living, a United Way Agency, is a cross-disability, community based organization. We are your local resource for information on the Americans with Disabilities Act and other disability related laws.We inform persons with disabilities of their rights, educate them about their responsibilities, provide support services, promote advocacy, and raise community awareness about disability issues.
77 N. 129th Infantry Drive Joliet, IL 60435 Voice: (815) 416-6460 TTY: (815) 416-6460 Fax: (815) 729-3697