This year marks the 34th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA was signed into law on July 26, 1990 and is a comprehensive federal civil rights law that protects against disability discrimination. As a member of the ADA National Network, the Great Lakes ADA Center will be celebrating this landmark event throughout the month of July as we move towards a more accessible and inclusive future.
Similar to the ADA National Network’s Anniversary Tool Kit, this ADA Anniversary page includes information and materials which can be used to enhance your own ADA 34th celebrations. Check back throughout the month of July for updates and information on new events.
The Great Lakes ADA Center approves and encourages duplication of the following materials for print and distribution:
- ADA 33 Press Release: The Great Lakes ADA Center Celebrates 33 Years of Promoting Voluntary Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- ADA Anniversary Events
- Order Now! ADA 33 Anniversary Poster (Sample Below)

Stay connected by following us on social media where we will be sharing ADA resources and Center events throughout the month of July: