Info Sheet: Web Accessibility Starter Guide |
In general, we discourage the use of frames, whenever possible
Proper use of LABEL tags is of utmost importance
Images are fine, just do not rely on them heavily to convey information
Tables are great, but we discourage their use for formatting purposes
Includes video, sound, and rich text, such as PDF documents. Provide alternative means to also convey the information
(under ‘Rich Media’/Multimedia’)
We strongly discourage the use of scripts (such as mouseovers) whenever possible : http://webaim.org/techniques/javascript/
Accessible University (http://www.washington.edu/accessit/AU/ )
A mock university site developed by the DBTAC project to illustrate concepts in accessible design, from accessible components, navigation, structure, and examples, such as accessible JavaScript
Great Lakes ADA & IT Center Website (http://www.adagreatlakes.org )
Can be used for reference on how to use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for layout instead of tables, an example of ‘skip navigation’ links, use of page heading levels, as well as other techniques.