Accessible IT Frequently Asked Questions
AccessIT's Article
Information technology is ubiquitous in educational settings. But rarely do schools consider how accessible hardware and software are to students and employees with disabilities during the procurement and development process. Therefore, many inaccessible products are purchased for our schools. So how can you promote the purchase, development, and use of accessible IT?
A good place to begin locating key contacts is at each state's Department of Education. Links are available from the U.S. Department of Education's Educational Resources by Area page. Typical state websites include a calendar of events, committee and board meeting schedules, educational conferences information, professional organizations, parent organizations, links to school district websites, and much more. Check to see if the state has a network of educational service districts. These organizations provide a focal point for meetings and training where outside presentations are often welcome; you might want to start with their groups of administrators and computer technology specialists. After you've gathered this information, you can begin to develop a plan to meet with key staff, attend events, deliver presentations, host exhibits, and send mailings to schools, professional organizations, and parent groups.
Consider connecting with professional organizations to which K-12 educators belong. Many national organizations sponsor yearly nation-wide conferences and have local and regional affiliates that host similar events. At these meetings you can identify and network with key stakeholders, give presentations, host poster sessions and exhibits, and demonstrate accessible technology. Below are a few examples of national organizations/conferences worth checking out, in key topic areas:
Special Education: Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) hosts the largest international professional organization dedicated to improving educational outcomes for individuals with exceptionalities, students with disabilities, and/or the gifted.
Computers in Education: The National Educational Computing Conference (NECC) is an annual forum for educational computing professionals to learn and share the newest applications of technology in education.
Technology for People with Disabilities: Closing The Gap (CTG) sponsors an annual international conference, Computer Technology in Special Education and Rehabilitation, for exploring how technology can enhance the lives of people with disabilities.
Teachers: The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) hosts an annual international conference to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning. Members include science teachers, science supervisors, administrators, scientists, and business and industry representatives.
Teachers and Technology: The Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE) includes among its societies and chapters The Society of information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), which sponsors an annual conference that focuses on teacher training in the area of technology use.
Parents: Technical Assistance Alliance for Parent Centers links to regional parent training and information centers and community parent resource centers.
Checklists: Ask your software or system vendor if they have a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) available for their product. The VPAT is the vendor's statement of accessibility on their product, based against the Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act Guidelines.