ADA Frequently Asked Questions
Category: Title II: State & Local Governments
Question: #36
Are there accessibility requirements for medical diagnostic equipment (MDE)?
Yes. On August 9, 2024, the Federal Register published the Department of Justice’s final rule updating the regulations under Title II of the ADA. The final rule has specific requirements about accessible medical diagnostic equipment (MDE) that apply to all state and local governments, including their agencies, departments, programs, and services.
The new rule adopted the following:
The new rule adopted the following:
- Technical standards developed by the U.S. Access Board called the Diagnostic Equipment Accessibility Standards.
- MDE that is purchased, leased or otherwise acquired by Title II entities after October 8, 2024 must meet the MDE Standards.
- Entities that use exam tables and weight scales must have at least one accessible exam table and weight scale by August 9, 2026.
- Entities must address existing barriers caused by the current lack of accessible MDE to ensure their programs, services and activities are accessible when viewed as a whole.
- Entities cannot deny health care services based on a lack of accessible MDE and cannot require patients with disabilities to bring someone to assist them where this is not required of other patients without disabilities.